Riders' Head Coach Vacancy

Started by ModAdmin, November 28, 2023, 03:29:29 AM

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"The Buck Stops Here."

Should be a caption on his eventual statue.


The Mace hire also really hurts the Argos as well.


Toronto has a good defense primarily because they have alot of talent. I think Mace is over rated, much like Claybrooks was (and where is he now??!!.

A Head Coach has got to be a motivator of men. Mace is a quiet, stoic type. I don't think Toronto misses a beat on this one.


Quote from: dd on December 02, 2023, 03:50:54 PM
Toronto has a good defense primarily because they have alot of talent. I think Mace is over rated, much like Claybrooks was (and where is he now??!!.

A Head Coach has got to be a motivator of men. Mace is a quiet, stoic type. I don't think Toronto misses a beat on this one.

Did you watch the Riderville presser with Mace?  JOD basically spelled it out that Mace won the job over Buck because he'll be better in front of the cameras and staff and players and media.

The vibe I got from Mace is he's a "man of the players", "ya bruh" type.  Stoic, maybe, but I don't think he'll be quiet.  He knows from day one he has to do way better on the post-game pressers than Craig did.

I'm not a Mace fan by any means, but he has my support as a rare Canadian HC, and I'm pretty sure it's impossible to do worse than 2023 Craig.  The league needs a better Riders... not as good as us, but better than 2023.  WPG doesn't want to be the sole club doling out free equalization money to the other 8 teams who are all have-nots (well, except maybe HAM).

As for TOR: I couldn't guess whether or not Mace was the secret sauce.  If they promote from within then the Mace-sauce may continue.  If they get an outsider, then I guess we shall see if the success was Mace or the players/HC.
Never go full Rider!


Toronto has always had a decent defense, my guess is Younger gets a promotion and goes back to the Argos


Quote from: dd on December 03, 2023, 12:19:20 AM
Toronto has always had a decent defense, my guess is Younger gets a promotion and goes back to the Argos
unless he does not wish to leave here. They need a DC but time will tell.


I m sure he?d turn down a promotion to be a DC and to return to the team he used to play for, just so he could stay here. don?t think so


It could be they have promised him the dc here as halls successor. It seems the last few years it has been 50/50 on his retiring

Throw Long Bannatyne

Quote from: Pete on December 03, 2023, 11:16:22 PM
It could be they have promised him the dc here as halls successor. It seems the last few years it has been 50/50 on his retiring

I think if Hall was retiring, he would have announced it by now, so at least one more year.


Ya Richie's not going anywhere, he'll be here next year


Quote from: dd on December 04, 2023, 06:19:31 PM
Ya Richie's not going anywhere, he'll be here next year
I agree quite likely he returns yet again


Quote from: dd on December 03, 2023, 12:19:20 AM
Toronto has always had a decent defense, my guess is Younger gets a promotion and goes back to the Argos

I did not know much about Mace and decided to look up his football background., if anyone is interested.

BC boy, played his college ball at U of Wyoming. 

A second round draft pick of the Bombers coming out of college.  Signed with the Buffalo Bills of the NFL.  Was on the team for 3 seasons but also touching base with Hamilton and Toronto, who had now his playing rights in the CFL.  Traded rights to Calgary and played there for 5 1/2 seasons.  Was injured and retired and went into coaching with the Stamps for 6 years. 

Argos signed  Mace as their DC and stayed with them for 2 years before signing with Sask. as HC.

What I found out is that he is a players coach, outgoing and very passionate about football.  Players fallow him as a coach.


Quote from: bluebeard on December 06, 2023, 05:45:05 PM
What I found out is that he is a players coach, outgoing and very passionate about football.  Players fallow him as a coach.

He seems to have a little bit of the Claybrooks "ya bruh", casual, players-lingo thing though... I have no idea what the level of that is, though.  I'm sure it's not anywhere near what Claybrooks was (remember him bare belly-rubbing on TV after some big D play while he was HC?).  But it is something to monitor.  (It's probably nothing.)

My main point is that a HC has to be a HC first and foremost, and the good ones usually tuck away that "one of the players" mentality.  How many times has MOS said that he doesn't really go in the locker room, and the players are handling things themselves, and MOS certainly never says "ya bruh".

My gut says Mace will be good in SSK, and it'll be hard to be worse than Craig.  The question will always remain: can JOD assemble a decent roster (doubt it!).
Never go full Rider!

Sir Blue and Gold

Quote from: TecnoGenius on December 07, 2023, 02:33:42 AM
He seems to have a little bit of the Claybrooks "ya bruh", casual, players-lingo thing though... I have no idea what the level of that is, though.  I'm sure it's not anywhere near what Claybrooks was (remember him bare belly-rubbing on TV after some big D play while he was HC?).  But it is something to monitor.  (It's probably nothing.)

My main point is that a HC has to be a HC first and foremost, and the good ones usually tuck away that "one of the players" mentality.  How many times has MOS said that he doesn't really go in the locker room, and the players are handling things themselves, and MOS certainly never says "ya bruh".

My gut says Mace will be good in SSK, and it'll be hard to be worse than Craig.  The question will always remain: can JOD assemble a decent roster (doubt it!).

The players handle things themselves.... now. It doesn't just magically happen and it certainly wasn't that way in O'Shea's first couple years.


Quote from: TecnoGenius on December 07, 2023, 02:33:42 AM
But it is something to monitor.

First Boudreau, now Mace. Boy...you're going to be doing a lot of monitoring next season.  ;)
Money is no object...especially when you have none.