Bomber Coaching Changes

Started by bwiser, January 08, 2024, 02:51:34 PM

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horatio montoya

Quote from: BlueGold8597 on January 08, 2024, 05:48:08 PM
This person is obviously a troll

hey bluegold i actually took his comment as good faith and just assumed he was unaware of the Twitter buzz

Sir Blue and Gold

Quote from: horatio montoya on January 08, 2024, 06:16:24 PM
hey bluegold i actually took his comment as good faith and just assumed he was unaware of the Twitter buzz

You wrong. The "Twitter buzz" is he's running for president. Get your facts right at least.

horatio montoya

i dont wanna call you a liar but do you have any screenshots of said tweets


Quote from: Sir Blue and Gold on January 08, 2024, 06:17:58 PM
You wrong. The "Twitter buzz" is he's running for president. Get your facts right at least.


лава Україні!
Elbows up!
We are now in The Find Out Phase, eh.

Sir Blue and Gold

Quote from: horatio montoya on January 08, 2024, 06:26:42 PM
i don?t wanna call you a liar but do you have any screenshots of said tweets

Yes but I can't show you due to forum rules. I hear the RiderFans forum will allow it though. You should go back there and continue to be flummoxed about why no one can fix the offensive line.

horatio montoya

well I dont know how offensive they are but if its as bad as you say no external force can help them as change will have to start within


Richie Hall to coach the Patriots....good gravy....this is an all time low for rumor mongering.
Some people take this forum way too seriously.

horatio montoya

there is no harm in repeating the Twitter buzz for those who avoid Twitter but would appreciate the information


I said last week that I thought Miller would become our new ST coach. However, didn't see Younger, replacing Hall this season.
Don't go through life looking in the rearview mirror.


As predicted, Hall is going to take it easy or retire soon. Younger was the obvious choice as he knows the players and the system that Hall runs. Miller as STC is a surprise but I guess it couldn't get any worst with Boudreau at the helm the past few seasons.


Quote from: horatio montoya on January 08, 2024, 04:15:30 PM
i wouldnt count on Hall being around WPG too long

a lot of the buzz in NE circles is that Belichick is relieved of his duties this week and that Hall is the heir apparent

No way, no how, NE hires Hall as their new HC, that is almost laughable. The NFL will not be hiring a CFL'er too be a HC in their league.

horatio montoya

i guess well have to wait and see im just repeating the Twitter buzz right now in Pats circles its no secret Belichick and I presume Robert Kraft are huge Hall fans but yeah I guess well have to wait and see as nothing is certain this shift in responsibilities in WPG I think is a sign that Hall needs to be freed up to take the job if NE comes with a request

Throw Long Bannatyne

Quote from: horatio montoya on January 08, 2024, 09:16:48 PM
i guess well have to wait and see im just repeating the Twitter buzz right now in Pats circles its no secret Belichick and I presume Robert Kraft are huge Hall fans but yeah I guess well have to wait and see as nothing is certain this shift in responsibilities in WPG I think is a sign that Hall needs to be freed up to take the job if NE comes with a request

How would those guys even know who Hall is, and why would they be "huge fans"? 

horatio montoya

i mean Belichick has mentioned him lots through the years idk know about Kraft though im not sure how involved he is I assume hes good to go though if Hall is having his name thrown around Pat circles right now as a serious contender
