Official Game Day Thread - Winnipeg at BC October 6, 2023

Started by ModAdmin, October 05, 2023, 05:52:50 AM

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Lincoln Locomotive

well we're going to be down 10 early.....ADAMS is playing MOP football driving the ball from the 25 on his first two possessions.....BC is coming as advertised and our soft D zone coverage has had no answers.    
Bomber fan for life


I don't see PI there. Hatcher turns into him. That's excellent coverage. Two-score game already. This is getting ugly early.
Go Bombers!

The Zipp

Still think Darby is better than Kramdi

Bighill slow

Jeffcoat needs to make plays

Bad snap on FG can't happen

Need more pressure


adams is picking on our linebackers , if we dont play tighter coverage this will be a long game

Lincoln Locomotive

well at least Janarian has a chance to return his first KO in over 10 weeks!
Bomber fan for life


ZC better have a long drive and let our D rest.   We need to take the momentum away from BC


Ya it was an iffy call, there was a small bump but the defensive player has the right to position as well. Costly call, down 10, we gotta answer this drive


Quote from: J5V on October 07, 2023, 02:38:40 AM
I don't see PI there. Hatcher turns into him. That's excellent coverage. Two-score game already. This is getting ugly early.

I think the whole country (including the league) is sick of seeing WPG in the GC.  I think they'll be biased in favor of BC.  It is what it is and we will simply have to beat BC and the league.
Never go full Rider!

Lincoln Locomotive

38 yards in penalties in the first quarter....well at least Janarian gave us better field position....and he's in on offence
Bomber fan for life


BinBC: there's your big Jackson play, busting out Prukop
Never go full Rider!

Lincoln Locomotive

Bomber fan for life


We're doing our shorten-the-game thing already.  Letting the clock go to 1 on every O play.  Not sure that's the best approach for this game.  We may need all the time in the world to make up this 10, or whatever deficit we find ourselves in.

On the bright side, BC's D looks very vulnerable, unless they are just playing very soft / prevent already.
Never go full Rider!


Quote from: TecnoGenius on October 07, 2023, 02:41:37 AM
I think the whole country (including the league) is sick of seeing WPG in the GC.  I think they'll be biased in favor of BC.  It is what it is and we will simply have to beat BC and the league.
Correct. Bombers have to take it if they want it. Not gonna get any help and anything 50/50 will go against us.
Go Bombers!


Not running much yet.  We'll see how this develops.
Never go full Rider!


too many mistakes... missed fg, roughing penalty.. fumble snap ... we need to execute