BC adds a QB to neg list

Started by theaardvark, September 28, 2023, 11:22:52 PM

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REPORT: The @BCLions have added QB, Colin Kaepernick to the club's negotiation list.

Unabashed positron.  Blue koolaid in my fridge.  I wear my blue sunglasses at night.  Homer, d'oh.



I don?t expect it to turn anything, but it?s an obvious shame that he?s been blacklisted for so long for simply advocating for human rights.
My wife is amazing!


It?s remote but it would be cool if he landed in the cfl, better than doing nothing/sitting at home on the couch


Quote from: Jesse on September 29, 2023, 02:05:47 AM
I don?t expect it to turn anything, but it?s an obvious shame that he?s been blacklisted for so long for simply advocating for human rights.
I couldn?t agree more!! It?s an absolute shame and yet it?s business as usual in the great N F of L. Sickening actually. I truly hope he does come to the cfl and Canada and he ll see first hand how people should be treated!!


The next Manziel media frenzy to waste everyone's time before disappearing into the sunset mid-season.  Just what we need, NOT.

That dude will never come to the CFL.  He's made multiple 10's of millions off of ad deals.  Why would he mess around up here for peanuts?

It's funny, just the other day when they said he was looking for an NFL deal I was thinking: what if the CFL tries to nab him when he fails in the NFL?  And here we are.

So does a player get any say before going on a neg list?  Or is it some unilateral means-nothing thing that CFL teams do?  What did BC have to do to achieve this?

I got an idea: NFL signs Colin and we get Rourke back.  There, everyone is happy.
Never go full Rider!


Definite shame he was blacklisted, he wasn?t very good but would have made a decent second stringer.


He would have been something in the CFL if he was brought up here about 4-5 years ago. He would have shone in the CFL with his speed and size. Its a shame he would only get a look when he is almost too old to play at a high level.


Quote from: bluengold204 on September 29, 2023, 03:37:29 AM
Definite shame he was blacklisted, he wasn?t very good but would have made a decent second stringer.

Blacklisted lost him money and a shot in the NFL but made him plenty of money in endorsements etc. and without any wear and tear on his body.

At best estimate he has net worth of around 20 million, would he still have that net worth had he stayed......possible... also possible he ended up injured.....I think he has still done really well for himself.

While not impossible, the chances of a what... a to be 36yr old QB who hasn't played in something like 6 years and that has a net worth of +/- 20 million coming to Canada to play in the CFL for less than a single speaking engagement. I guess it's possible...but.....


It makes absolutely no sense for Kaepernick to set his sights on the CFL.

This is hardly news, IMO.
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We are now in The Find Out Phase, eh.

Blue In BC

PR stunt at best. Another player would have been dropped to make room on the Lions neg list. This move might have made sense 5 years ago when he might have considered a short time in the CFL. After not playing for this long and at his age, this is a silly move.
Take no prisoners


Anyone else remember that time the Bombers put Deion Sanders on the neg list?


He is a good QB.. the lions can use some help at backup. Evans clearly is done.


Quote from: BLUEBOMBER on September 29, 2023, 05:04:07 PM
He is a good QB.. the lions can use some help at backup. Evans clearly is done.

Uh... What. ???
лава Україні!
We are now in The Find Out Phase, eh.