What a dirty trick played on Zylstra by Edmonton.

Started by Tiger, September 02, 2022, 12:06:14 AM

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Quote from: theaardvark on September 03, 2022, 04:48:26 PM
Yes, it was dirty how he was forced to play for EDM.  EDM got 2 good years, including one amazing year out of it. 

That said, Zylstra got a chance to hone his skills, have a standout season that put him on the radar for the NFL.  Would he have had as much a chance as an undrafted rook bouncing around PR's?  No one knows.  But we do know, his time in EDM cemented his shot at the NFL. 

So, while it was dispicable and wrong what was done to him, and could have been avoided had he had an agent (I still think NCAA players, or even high schoolers, should be allowed to have agents), it worked out well for him. 

Truthfully, he should have revealed this years ago, after he signed his NFL deal. 

Will he continue his NFL journey now?  He has 4 seasons towards his pension, so that's in place.  Not sure what his Vet status for PR is, or if he has a chance at a roster spot somewhere.  But he will make top dollar in the CFL, and would be welcomed by any team...  but I'd bet EDM and HAM are not on his lists of landing places...

I doubt Zylstra will get another chance with an NFL team at his age, his best bet if he wants to continue his football career is probably in the CFL.  If Ellingson is at the end of his line, Zylstra would be a great replacement next season, but I'd prefer to hang onto Shoen and I doubt Walters is prepared to spend the amount of money Zylstra will be looking for.  Hopefully no more $250k+ contracts will be offered to receivers leaguewide.

The current regime in Edmonton had nothing to do with his original deal, there has probably been a 100% turnover since he left. Playing with Reilly certainly didn't hurt his CFL stats.