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LIV golf

Started by The Zipp, July 26, 2022, 01:13:20 AM

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The Zipp

I don't have any huge issues philosophically with the new venture - pay the players, let them make their money, they work hard and most have paid their dues through training, travel and time away from their families. 

Ol' Bob Irving sure is worked up about it, LIV is living rent free in his head, he can't go a day without multiple tweets about it.

I guess that is what age and retirement will do to you...can hardly wait..


Quote from: The Zipp on July 26, 2022, 01:13:20 AM
I don't have any huge issues philosophically with the new venture - pay the players, let them make their money, they work hard and most have paid their dues through training, travel and time away from their families. 

Ol' Bob Irving sure is worked up about it, LIV is living rent free in his head, he can't go a day without multiple tweets about it.

I guess that is what age and retirement will do to you...can hardly wait..

Bob's issue isn't with the players getting paid, its that they are getting paid with tainted money.  If Putin, or Pablo Escobar were cutting the cheques for these players, you think they'd join the tour?  The Saudi's are "sportswashing", using Golf to repair their image, their human rights atrocities,  murder of journalists, etc....
Unabashed positron.  Blue koolaid in my fridge.  I wear my blue sunglasses at night.  Homer, d'oh.

The Zipp

Quote from: theaardvark on July 26, 2022, 01:47:07 AM
Bob's issue isn't with the players getting paid, its that they are getting paid with tainted money.  If Putin, or Pablo Escobar were cutting the cheques for these players, you think they'd join the tour?  The Saudi's are "sportswashing", using Golf to repair their image, their human rights atrocities,  murder of journalists, etc....

All money has been tainted since the dawn of currency.  The Righteous indignation Bob currently has doesn't line up...he was happy to gush over Augusta golf course for all those years and their racist beliefs and practices.  Didn't stop him from supporting the PGA


Quote from: The Zipp on July 26, 2022, 02:43:06 AM
All money has been tainted since the dawn of currency.  The Righteous indignation Bob currently has doesn't line up...he was happy to gush over Augusta golf course for all those years and their racist beliefs and practices.  Didn't stop him from supporting the PGA

Apples and oranges...

Augusta had reprehensiblly racist practices as a result of a societal framework where that was the norm.  And they did change and show regret for that period of their history.

LIV is 100% sponsored by a despicable regime, unrepentant in murdering journalists and suppressing human rights of women.  The head of the Saudi's has stated that journalists with opposing viewpoints to MBA are "domestic terrorists" and thinks that their laws, which includes beheading "domestic terrorists" for simply reporting news that the regime finds unfavourable is not just still in place, but will be actively pursued.  If Jamal Kashoggi were alive today and were to enter Saudi Arabia, he would be arrested, and probably put to death. 

THAT is the difference.  Augusta has a sad past that the current management regrets and actively works to reform.  LIV is 100% financed by a regime that is actively suppressing human rights and murders anyone that speaks against them.

But yeah, Bob is off base in complaining about one and not the other.
Unabashed positron.  Blue koolaid in my fridge.  I wear my blue sunglasses at night.  Homer, d'oh.


Quote from: theaardvark on July 26, 2022, 02:02:41 PM
Apples and oranges...

Augusta had reprehensiblly racist practices as a result of a societal framework where that was the norm.  And they did change and show regret for that period of their history.

LIV is 100% sponsored by a despicable regime, unrepentant in murdering journalists and suppressing human rights of women.  The head of the Saudi's has stated that journalists with opposing viewpoints to MBA are "domestic terrorists" and thinks that their laws, which includes beheading "domestic terrorists" for simply reporting news that the regime finds unfavourable is not just still in place, but will be actively pursued.  If Jamal Kashoggi were alive today and were to enter Saudi Arabia, he would be arrested, and probably put to death. 

THAT is the difference.  Augusta has a sad past that the current management regrets and actively works to reform.  LIV is 100% financed by a regime that is actively suppressing human rights and murders anyone that speaks against them.

But yeah, Bob is off base in complaining about one and not the other.

It is a difference, but only by degrees of separation.

How many corporate sponsors for the PGA have reprehensible business practices overseas? (hint: it's all of them).

Not that I approve of LIV - but it does highlight that some issues that most people prefer to ignore.
My wife is amazing!


Quote from: Jesse on July 26, 2022, 04:35:37 PM
It is a difference, but only by degrees of separation.

How many corporate sponsors for the PGA have reprehensible business practices overseas? (hint: it's all of them).

Not that I approve of LIV - but it does highlight that some issues that most people prefer to ignore.

The biggest difference in playing in one or the other, outside sportswashing, is that it is basically an exhibition league.  54 holes, everyone gets paid regardless how they finish... golf is supposed to be a competition, and to the victor go the spoils.  LIV kills that whole dynamic.
Unabashed positron.  Blue koolaid in my fridge.  I wear my blue sunglasses at night.  Homer, d'oh.


PGA fanboys and self-proclaimed purists crying about LIV Golf and its financial backers while conveniently ignoring the greed and shadiness within the PGA circle is priceless.
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Elbows up!
History doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes.


Its for plagers are modtly washed up . mikkelsson. . and others.  Liv is already dropping some players off their list in the next few tournaments or whate er they are. Its older players who are cashing in . players who cant win consistently rsoecially in the majors or coming in at yhe top. And dont want to put the work in


лава Україні!
Elbows up!
History doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes.