our offence ..changes needed

Started by Pete, July 21, 2024, 03:49:24 PM

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there are 3 main areas i would suggest we need changes/revisions
1. starts with Zac, his regression looks marked similar to BO Levi's, he has to accept that he can't do it by himself. The dropping in on a dime mid to long range throw isn't there. And its causing him to second guess.
Whether it be arm strength (to me hes lost zip) or coverage, he needs to rely more on the athleticism of his receivers (all of them). Bo Levis success this year is based on that.
As far as Streveler goes I'd like to see him run more pkgs as a change of pace when Zacs struggling but I'm convinced he's still recovering physically from the Ottawa game (He cant take that many direct on hits, even Brady protects himself more on contact)

2. Receivers: are they as a group to slow and unable to create separation, Wilson has shown signs of it, but Wolitarski, Clerius are slower, and teams have learned how to cover Demski (his routes are very predictable. ) Mcrae was an good example ly of a change of pace receiver who could also run the ball. With Bailey gone as well we've lost that.

3. Playcalling: teams are stacking the middle. and playing three deep to cover that midrange throw. We had success throwing the quick out against Calgary which in turn opened up the middle. We watched the success of Sask throwing that quick slant in, to their bigger receivers yet that doesn't seem to be a part of our play book.  (or is it Zac doesn't have the arm strength to zip that into a small space?)

4 Oline; we are weaker but better than i anticipated at beginning of year. Lofton and Dobson seen susceptable to stunts and losing their assignments on pass blockin, hopefully that improves, Last game Collaros had time but wouldn't make the quick decision

id appreciate others thoughts on this


I just made a post in the Demski thread that could also apply here...Lawler fixes alot of our problems.

Blue In BC

I can't disagree with anything you said.

IMO it starts with the receivers but we're going to have to wait and see if Lawler and / or Whitehead are activated.

Collaros is taking too long to throw and the OL is not giving him enough time. He's forcing throws to receivers that are not open. At least that part is on him.

Play calling is a concern. I've mentioned it before nearly every game. Our 1st play on offence is a run right up the gut. It's so predictable. 

I'd fake the run and toss a pass 30 yards downfield. Even an incompletion changes that predictability. If we actually complete it, all the better.  However starting field position dictates how wise that might be. Don't want 2nd and very long to start the game.

We haven't been stretching the field. Receivers or QB or both?
2019 Grey Cup Champions


Agree with you both and I think the key may be the play calling. To me, everything hinges on BO but you're right, we're too predictable. We have to build a package where we fake it to BO and use quick hitters to all our receivers, along with a variety of misdirection sweeps and even the odd flea flicker. Keep the D guessing whether we're going up the gut, off tackle, sweeping left or right, and the occasional mid to long term pass to keep the D honest. Practice that package until it's automatic. I can dream.
Go Bombers!


Buck needs a consult with Lapo to recapture the Collaros/Streveler tandem's proper deployment.

That will fix so much...
Unabashed positron.  Blue koolaid in my fridge.  I wear my blue sunglasses at night.  Homer, d'oh.


Inserting Lawler and Whitehead into our lineup would solve alot of our problems. If they want to double Kenny, then get the ball to Lucky in space and let him rip it up or Demski's underneath slant patterns will open up. Right now, we have recievers struggling to get open and that creates alot of problems for the offense.

Super excited on getting KL back and hopefully Lucky still has something left in his tank.

Throw Long Bannatyne

Quote from: theaardvark on July 21, 2024, 05:21:37 PMBuck needs a consult with Lapo to recapture the Collaros/Streveler tandem's proper deployment.

That will fix so much...

Wouldn't mind if they brought LaPo in as a "consultant", he seems to be doing a lot of freelancing this year.  It would set them up nicely if Buck accepts that prized HC job he's been seeking elsewhere. Thanks Buck....so long!


Quote from: Throw Long Bannatyne on July 21, 2024, 05:29:36 PMWouldn't mind if they brought LaPo in as a "consultant", he seems to be doing a lot of freelancing this year.  It would set them up nicely if Buck accepts that prized HC job he's been seeking elsewhere. Thanks Buck....so long!

If Buck craps the bed as an OC this year, he's not getting a look as an HC... even if there were openings.
Unabashed positron.  Blue koolaid in my fridge.  I wear my blue sunglasses at night.  Homer, d'oh.


Not worried about Zach, he has been bad but will rebound.

Receivers will slowly improve and getting Kenny back will be significant.  I don't expect a big impact from Whitehead but he does help a bit.

Oline is a work in progress, if we can run the ball well things should slowly improve.

I see a combo of new faces, injuries, some loss of talent, average play calling and a QB that is down but not out.

BLM declined because of injury and slowly rebuilt his career.  Zach needs to evolve and he will.

Play calling used to rely on two things, bombs and runs.  Mix up the bomb part a bit.


 ;) they need a couple receivers who can run. We And the guys we have don't have the speed to get open.

lucky is cute, unfortunately he can't catch.
The Bomber s should get bring in a tight end position. It changes the Defensive alignment, and if nothing else adds the opponents practice time.
We will have to outscore people as our defense, and the D.C. is nit able to be a DC at this level.

Go blue.


Quote from: theaardvark on July 21, 2024, 05:21:37 PMBuck needs a consult with Lapo to recapture the Collaros/Streveler tandem's proper deployment.

That will fix so much...

There's not much to consult on. You keep him out there after running a sneak in a hurry up to take advantage of personnel mismatches. No idea why we haven't been doing this since week 1. Why did we even sign Strev? We used Prukop more often.
My wife is amazing!


Quote from: Jesse on July 21, 2024, 10:49:49 PMThere's not much to consult on. You keep him out there after running a sneak in a hurry up to take advantage of personnel mismatches. No idea why we haven't been doing this since week 1. Why did we even sign Strev? We used Prukop more often.
Ya, that's a mystery on both fronts--why not use him more often and when the defensive heavy package comes in and we get a 2nd down conversion, go to hurry up and run plays that exploit the heavier faster run stoppers brought in to cover faster recievers on jet sweeps or pass patterns. Seems pretty straight forward, and beyond me why we haven't done both of these things, especially given our offensive struggles. Gotta do something to break us out of this funk


Quote from: dd on July 21, 2024, 10:53:35 PMYa, that's a mystery on both fronts--why not use him more often and when the defensive heavy package comes in and we get a 2nd down conversion, go to hurry up and run plays that exploit the heavier faster run stoppers brought in to cover faster recievers on jet sweeps or pass patterns. Seems pretty straight forward, and beyond me why we haven't done both of these things, especially given our offensive struggles. Gotta do something to break us out of this funk
I'm hoping to see more of Buck the Gunslinger in the second half of the season. If not, question need to be asked as to why not and who's decision is it to keep things so vanilla.
Go Bombers!

The Zipp

Quote from: J5V on July 21, 2024, 11:03:45 PMI'm hoping to see more of Buck the Gunslinger in the second half of the season. If not, question need to be asked as to why not and who's decision is it to keep things so vanilla.

Zach doesn't have time and while he says his arm isn't weaker - it is...proof is in the underthrows

We don't need to gunsling - run the ball, short passes, get to 2nd and 2/3 and run Strev. Mix in the odd 15-20 yard pass and we are good. 

Zach needs time - Buck needs to max protect and work out hot patterns and quick throws.

Throw Long Bannatyne

Quote from: The Zipp on July 22, 2024, 02:34:02 AMZach doesn't have time and while he says his arm isn't weaker - it is...proof is in the underthrows

We don't need to gunsling - run the ball, short passes, get to 2nd and 2/3 and run Strev. Mix in the odd 15-20 yard pass and we are good. 

Zach needs time - Buck needs to max protect and work out hot patterns and quick throws.

Zach needs a dose of Matt Nichols, play it conservative, protect the ball at all cost, get first downs and any yards gained past the opponents 45 yard line is bonus points with Sergio playing so well.  They'd win a lot of football games if they achieved those objectives consistently.