Week 4: Other games.

Started by Jesse, June 28, 2024, 01:44:56 AM

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Anyone planning on staying up tonight?
My wife is amazing!


VA almost threw a duck.  Receiver slipped and defender dropped it.



Woods for BC looks headed to 6 game.  Leg rolled on bad.


My wife is amazing!

Throw Long Bannatyne

I think V.A. has probably surpassed Zach in skill level, he has all the tools and knows how to use them.  He also seems to remain in control of his emotions which he had difficulty doing in the past.  If the Bombers can't beat the Lions during the regular season it might be for this reason.

Throw Long Bannatyne

Excellent game, feel bad for the Elks but certainly shows bringing in MBT ahead of Ford was the right move for them, they have a ton of talent and will win eventually.


Quote from: Blueforlife on June 28, 2024, 02:52:12 AMWoods for BC looks headed to 6 game.  Leg rolled on bad.

Bad break or knee, both literally and figuratively.  He'll be out until mid/late season.

If Hladik is gone for a long time then BC has no MLB.  Their D was already showing major cracks this season, and this only makes them worse.

This will help other teams to beat them... run it down their throats!
Never go full Rider!


See how EDM has their DBs draped all over the BC go routes and stopping a ton of catches?  Contrast with how we played BC (hint: everyone wide open always).

EDM's DBs are all no-name nobodies (except FS); we at least have some decent talent.  That proves that this difference is scheme.  EDM knows that VAJ lives by the deep ball, so they have all the DBs stick with the deep route rather than bite on the feints.

And that means our BC explosion problem was Younger/Hall, because they tell the DBs what to focus on.  I guess they forgot VAJ liked to throw 60Y balls all day.  On the bright side, this is fixable.
Never go full Rider!


Quote from: Throw Long Bannatyne on June 28, 2024, 03:34:38 AMI think V.A. has probably surpassed Zach in skill level, he has all the tools and knows how to use them.  He also seems to remain in control of his emotions which he had difficulty doing in the past.

I don't know... he's not better than 2019-2022 Zach.  But he might be better than 2024 Zach.  I think it all depends on how Zach responds to his current much weaker play.  Does he pull it together soon or keeping sliding?  Do his coaches work on his weaknesses or just close their eyes and hope for the best?

I find it hard to compare the two because they are completely different QBs.  You literally couldn't pick two more widely dissimilar QBs.  In terms of production, though, you can't argue VAJ is far stronger at the moment.  Of course, BC hasn't lost their #1 and #2 Rs though...

And keep in mind VAJ is, what, 5 years younger than Zach?  Certainly helps with the scrambles and runs.
Never go full Rider!


Quote from: Throw Long Bannatyne on June 28, 2024, 05:01:39 AMExcellent game, feel bad for the Elks but certainly shows bringing in MBT ahead of Ford was the right move for them, they have a ton of talent and will win eventually.

Yes, fun game, even if low scoring.  Keep in mind this was against probably-West-best BC.

I'm starting to wonder if some EDM players throw these games on purpose.  I mean, obvious FM at the end to seal the loss?  There's only so much you can chalk up to bad luck and bad discipline.

EDM DBs stayed with those deep Rs all game, made it really hard on VAJ, as BC had to adjust to a shorter game.  BC still only pays lip service to the run, even though they are blabbing about being a more balanced team.

Liked seeing Prukop get that TD.

I really like MBT, even though he beat us in that GC.  Always liked that guy.  The fire and passion (and tinge of "insane") is fun to watch.  And he stands pat in the pocket almost no matter what to get that ball off if he can.  I love that.  Zach needs to do more of this and less scramble attempts.

With this decent scoring EDM is bound to remain ahead of us in the standings after this week...  But a loss in EDM is probably better for us in the long run because I think we have to completely abandon any hope of finishing 1st in the W.  Now we have to focus on just not being in the worst-3 in the league come week 21.
Never go full Rider!


An excellent ball game.  Nice to see Elks play well.  VA throwing it really well. 


Great game. The Elks are close. Lost the last 3 games by a FG each & that's against BC, Tor & Mtl. 
Winnipeg Blue Bombers - 2019 Grey Cup Champs.


Good to see the Elks keeping pace with us... we're going to need as many L's in western records as possible.  We don't have to win the west to win the cup, we just have to not lose the west...

Bighill was on the 0-5 BC team that won the cup...
Unabashed positron.  Blue koolaid in my fridge.  I wear my blue sunglasses at night.  Homer, d'oh.

Throw Long Bannatyne

Quote from: TecnoGenius on June 28, 2024, 06:42:24 AMI don't know... he's not better than 2019-2022 Zach.  But he might be better than 2024 Zach.  I think it all depends on how Zach responds to his current much weaker play.  Does he pull it together soon or keeping sliding?  Do his coaches work on his weaknesses or just close their eyes and hope for the best?

I find it hard to compare the two because they are completely different QBs.  You literally couldn't pick two more widely dissimilar QBs.  In terms of production, though, you can't argue VAJ is far stronger at the moment.  Of course, BC hasn't lost their #1 and #2 Rs though...

And keep in mind VAJ is, what, 5 years younger than Zach?  Certainly helps with the scrambles and runs.

Comparing V.A. or Zach to "2019 Zach" is irrelevant when dealing with the here and now.  Vern is a better pure passer, more fleet of foot, more elusive and less predictable when scrambling.  Zach is at a disadvantage compared to some of his contemporaries like Adams, Fajardo and Duke, in being restricted in his running ability due to past concussion issues.  Even BLM is now tucking the ball in and taking off occasionally whenever the opportunity for a safe slide presents itself. 

Not advocating Zach run the ball at all especially out of desperation, just noting his lack of running ability has reduced his overall options and abilities.