2024 Free Agency Signings/Transactions (Other CFL Teams)

Started by ModAdmin, February 10, 2024, 04:10:13 PM

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I am hopeful we can re-sign Grant, but if not, the next Grant, Alford or Leake is just around the corner. Scouts found those guys, scouts will find their heir apparent if things can't be worked out


He probably has a more incentive laden contract on the table if there is one. Based on games played and so on I would expect with the injury woes of last year. When Janarion is on though, his is Kid Dynomite!! :)


You have to wonder how much the CFL pay structure factors into the "Play or don't play" decisions for some veteran players.

TC contracts usually have no guaranteed money.  Not sure if they get paid even a stipend as they battle to make the team.  Game cheques don't start until games start. 

So, for a chance to make the roster and get an ELC or slightly better contract, most likely less than $100K CAN ($74kUS), they have to uproot their lives for over a month, work their arses off, and end up with an apple and a roadmap afterwards.

We have seen many retirements of this nature, and many players not returning after ELC's. 

There are players that play USFL or Arena to get another chance at the show, the CFL is actually a better showcase for that, but its all the way in Canada.  Some will play any level of organized ball just for the sheer enjoyment of playing, and for some, the alternative is flipping burgers, so anything would be better, even min wage in Canada.

Players don't always accept a contract that would be considered appropriate for their position and skill level because they have other better options, and while playing a game is fun, it is also dangerous, and even the CFL doesn't have the best health care plans should a career go sideways.
Unabashed positron.  Blue koolaid in my fridge.  I wear my blue sunglasses at night.  Homer, d'oh.


Wow, a bit surprised by this. He had a very good year last year, guess he wants to retire on a high note vs hang on and play at a lesser level. Riders defense just took a hit as he was definitely a gamer out there.

Sir Blue and Gold

Quote from: dd on March 07, 2024, 05:28:01 PMWow, a bit surprised by this. He had a very good year last year, guess he wants to retire on a high note vs hang on and play at a lesser level. Riders defense just took a hit as he was definitely a gamer out there.

I'm not. He has an NFL pension and he'll be 36 in August. He came back from the torn ACL and probably is happy to go into retirement without another major rehab.


Quote from: Sir Blue and Gold on March 07, 2024, 05:43:35 PMI'm not. He has an NFL pension and he'll be 36 in August. He came back from the torn ACL and probably is happy to go into retirement without another major rehab.
True enough. My point was he was still playing at a very high level—-I believe he was the riders defensive mvp last year and had not lost a step like our mlb. Good on him to retire on top


Quote from: theaardvark on March 05, 2024, 03:43:39 PMReturners are not the hardest player to find, and even easier to slot in quick.  We have a lot of potential returners on the roster currently, and the key is to see how they handle the wider, longer field, and the halo. 

Like it worked out so well finding Grant replacements in 2023??

Quote from: Jesse on March 05, 2024, 04:46:18 PMNo replacement we've put in for Grant has been anything close and at times has actively hurt us.
It has not been as easy position for us to find.

Jesse's right.  We've stunk at finding star returners in the last decade.  The only gems were Grant and Lucky, both in the same year so we had to let one walk in FA.  Before that the best I can remember was Fogg, who was OK and had his moments.  The others are clearly unmemorable, otherwise I'd remember them.

Maybe returner is the hardest spot to scout for, because no one knows if they'll be good, not even the players, because it's such a weird skill set, and very different USA->Canada.  You literally have to put them out there in live games and see what happens.  It's not just speed...

Quote from: theaardvark on March 05, 2024, 03:43:39 PMIf Holm is in fact back, he's been a good returner in the past.

If Holm is back (looking like it) then you 100% don't waste him @ returner: he's needed on D.  You don't want your 1st or 2nd best DB pasted on returns and then can't play D for weeks... You need someone "expendable", and pure returners, or backups are just that.
Never go full Rider!


Not a chance Holm does returns, he's our best DB and has to stay on the field vs gas out and risk injury returning kicks and punts.


Quote from: TecnoGenius on March 08, 2024, 12:24:26 AMIf Holm is back (looking like it) then you 100% don't waste him @ returner: he's needed on D.  You don't want your 1st or 2nd best DB pasted on returns and then can't play D for weeks... You need someone "expendable", and pure returners, or backups are just that.

Holm is under contract in 2024.
"You can't let praise or criticism get to you. It's a weakness to get caught up in either one." - John Wooden


Quote from: ModAdmin on March 08, 2024, 04:40:26 AMHolm is under contract in 2024.

Yes, but the general worry was that he was NFL-bound, and no one has really said this is resolved.  However, some have indicated the NFL window is closed with no offers, so I'm thinking we're probably safe with Holm now.

We're still smarting from the Alford incident... we never did get the 2nd year of ELC out of him, as he fled south and (actually) stuck.  The moral of the story is scout very very good players, but not the best.  I still have no idea how Ento isn't getting NFL looks... he is as good as Alford and Holm.
Never go full Rider!


Quote from: TecnoGenius on March 08, 2024, 07:25:39 PMYes, but the general worry was that he was NFL-bound, and no one has really said this is resolved.  However, some have indicated the NFL window is closed with no offers, so I'm thinking we're probably safe with Holm now.

We're still smarting from the Alford incident... we never did get the 2nd year of ELC out of him, as he fled south and (actually) stuck.  The moral of the story is scout very very good players, but not the best.  I still have no idea how Ento isn't getting NFL looks... he is as good as Alford and Holm.

I believe the NFL window closes after CFL Free Agency begins by my reading of this article:



"You can't let praise or criticism get to you. It's a weakness to get caught up in either one." - John Wooden

Blue In BC

Quote from: ModAdmin on April 08, 2024, 06:24:25 AMLooks like Lucky Whitehead may have reached the end of his career with the Lions.  Will he end up elsewhere in the CFL?


He's had time to sign elsewhere as a free agent. It was clear before the beginning of free agency that the Lions would be moving in a new direction. SMS, age and succession with younger less expensive players.

Lucky could still be productive elsewhere but all of those things work against him. I wish him well and thank him for his time in Winnipeg and with the Lions. He was fun to watch.
2019 Grey Cup Champions

Throw Long Bannatyne

Quote from: Blue In BC on April 08, 2024, 01:04:30 PMHe's had time to sign elsewhere as a free agent. It was clear before the beginning of free agency that the Lions would be moving in a new direction. SMS, age and succession with younger less expensive players.

Lucky could still be productive elsewhere but all of those things work against him. I wish him well and thank him for his time in Winnipeg and with the Lions. He was fun to watch.

Lucky was making around $200k for his services the last 2 seasons, it's going to be a hard fall for him salary wise if he wants to continue his CFL career.  Re-signing Grant would be a much cheaper option, hopefully it still happens.