Official Game Day Thread - Winnipeg & Montreal - 110th Grey Cup

Started by ModAdmin, November 18, 2023, 03:35:32 PM

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Quote from: Tiger on November 19, 2023, 05:30:15 AM
Don?t get too excited about Schoen and Bighill.  Derek Taylor said you only get name on cup if you are dressed.

Is he sure on that?  Pretty sure IR people get the playoff $$.  Why wouldn't they get their name on the cup?  So Matt Nichols didn't get his name on it?  What if you played all season but got injured in the WDF?
Never go full Rider!


Quote from: J5V on November 19, 2023, 03:44:15 AM
I swear Barker is a complete loon. Every conversation with him is about him and the Argos. After taking credit for bringing O'Shea into the coaching fraternity I just heard him say that adding Adriano Belli to the 100th Grey Cup Argo team is what put them over the top. Really? Nothing to do with Ricky Ray? You sure? The guy is certifiable. Thank god Lapo is there to talk about the Bombers while the Toronto Sports Network shows highlights of the Als.
Ys, old Jimbo is a complete nutjob. He's delusional . Everyone and his brother knows that the Argos bringing in RR brought them the Grey Cup, Belli was nothing but a complete sideshow, him and his kissing antics. What a freak.


Quote from: dd on November 19, 2023, 02:46:31 PM
Ys, old Jimbo is a complete nutjob. He's delusional . Everyone and his brother knows that the Argos bringing in RR brought them the Grey Cup, Belli was nothing but a complete sideshow, him and his kissing antics. What a freak.
lol I think Belli thought the kissing thing was a Euro Italian thing or something. Side show for sure. Ray was the saviour.


Quote from: TecnoGenius on November 19, 2023, 02:43:50 PM
Is he sure on that?  Pretty sure IR people get the playoff $$.  Why wouldn't they get their name on the cup?  So Matt Nichols didn't get his name on it?  What if you played all season but got injured in the WDF?

Then you get screwed.
My wife is amazing!


7C in Hamilton right now. 3C for kickoff and very little wind. Beautiful weather.
Don't go through life looking in the rearview mirror.


Quote from: Pigskin on November 19, 2023, 04:48:25 PM
7C in Hamilton right now. 3C for kickoff and very little wind. Beautiful weather.

Kind of BS after drinking beer slushies last year in Regina, but whatever. My mistake for going to Saskatchewan.
My wife is amazing!

Lincoln Locomotive

So the big mystery of the day will be whether AB4 or DS83 suit up for the game....we will have to wait until the 11th hour and the suspense is killing me TBH.
Bomber fan for life


Quote from: Lincoln Locomotive on November 19, 2023, 04:51:59 PM
So the big mystery of the day will be whether AB4 or DS83 suit up for the game....we will have to wait until the 11th hour and the suspense is killing me TBH.

Same here! Kick off is at 4:30MDST (my time). Very nice here in Calgary today so doing a BBQ (good crowd of about 10 of us) for the game from the deck but will be inside come kickoff time. I hope both AB4 and DS83 will be playing but will just have to wait and see. I might even have a cold one or two!


Quote from: BBRT on November 19, 2023, 05:03:39 PM
Same here! Kick off is at 4:30MDST (my time). Very nice here in Calgary today so doing a BBQ (good crowd of about 10 of us) for the game from the deck but will be inside come kickoff time. I hope both AB4 and DS83 will be playing but will just have to wait and see. I might even have a cold one or two!
Same here we should hit 7C. Hosting a GC party. Good times! Cheers BBRT!


Just watching the 2021 GC game. Hammy D was very formidable whom I think was stronger than the current Al D.


Quote from: GOLDMEMBER on November 19, 2023, 05:07:33 PM
Just watching the 2021 GC game. Hammy D was very formidable whom I think was stronger than the current Al D.

The current MTL D looks like our 2014 D... rely on the big turnover ratio.  Fogg and Heath and Moe would steal balls like they were going out of style.  But our O was as bad as the MTL O (though we didn't have a star like Mack).  I'd say that MTL's run D is far better than our 2014 run D, though.

Literally the only thing we have to do is not turn the ball over and MTL loses.  Even if we can't run, we'll win.  We just have to protect the ball.
Never go full Rider!


Quote from: TecnoGenius on November 19, 2023, 05:56:27 PM
The current MTL D looks like our 2014 D... rely on the big turnover ratio.  Fogg and Heath and Moe would steal balls like they were going out of style.  But our O was as bad as the MTL O (though we didn't have a star like Mack).  I'd say that MTL's run D is far better than our 2014 run D, though.

Literally the only thing we have to do is not turn the ball over and MTL loses.  Even if we can't run, we'll win.  We just have to protect the ball.
I tend to agree. I really don't see how we lose this game barring a disatrous turn of events.
Go Bombers!


Interesting tidbit I saw on Riderfans forum:

QuoteMontreal?s Achilles heel on D was being last in OPP AVG RUSH

I find that very interesting as their DL and LBers are quite stout, not undersized, and pretty talented.  I would never have guessed the above in a million years.

The only reason I can think of is MTL D focuses so much on the pass and the INT they pay less attention to the run.  If you're dropping LB and even DL into coverage then you're leaving less in the box for run stop.

This actually could really help us in the GC, as it would mean Brady can run against their D.
Never go full Rider!


That's it for me for posts for now!  You guys have a great time watching from wherever you are, and I want to see tons of chatter all game long so it's not boring when I rewatch at home.

Most critically, GO BLUE, RECLAIM THE CUP, and I hope everyone has a great time, except MTL fans.
Never go full Rider!

The Zipp

Quote from: TecnoGenius on November 19, 2023, 07:04:46 PM
That's it for me for posts for now!  You guys have a great time watching from wherever you are, and I want to see tons of chatter all game long so it's not boring when I rewatch at home.

Most critically, GO BLUE, RECLAIM THE CUP, and I hope everyone has a great time, except MTL fans.

Have fun - make some great memories !!