TiCats at Lions GDT

Started by GOLDMEMBER, August 26, 2023, 09:28:40 PM

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Blue In BC

Ti Cats played well and did the Bombers a favour. Lions falling to earth a bit. Their DL players are fast but a little smaller. A good OL and RB can take advantage of that.
2019 Grey Cup Champions


Where did that Cats team come from?! Could be a turning point for them this season.

Blue In BC

Quote from: ichabod_crane on August 27, 2023, 02:03:20 AM
Where did that Cats team come from?! Could be a turning point for them this season.

It won't hurt them but it's early days. They rely on the run a lot and it's worked for them. Passing game is short and not outstanding. So if you scheme to take away the run, it could be an issue for them. Powell looks to have a future but he's a very new starter.
2019 Grey Cup Champions


Hamilton played it smart, they don?t have much of a passing game so run the ball. Duh, sounds so simple but man they looked good tonight or was it we thought too much of bc, but they got whupped at home!!


Quote from: Pete on August 26, 2023, 11:26:17 PM
that fumble was a case of cfl referee incompetence...it was clearly out and should have been called. Even if they got the possession wrong it would be challengeable

This may be the dumbest call I've ever seen in the CFL.  You always determine who has the ball, regardless of fumble/not-fumble precisely because it's a challengeable play and massively impacts the game.

It's for that reason the refs usually err on the side of assuming a fumble, and then work back from there.

The only actual rule the refs could use an excuse is if the ball wasn't immediately recovered, but in this case HAM was on the ball basically instantly.

Can you imagine if this was a GC?  There is zero reason as they dissect the pile to not determine who got the ball.  If you didn't see anything then you just wait to see who stands up with the ball and there's your answer.

If I'm catfan, I'm mighty miffed about this call.
Never go full Rider!


2Q3:13 The "sack" by Betts on Powell to kill the drive at the 20YL was an intentional trip, and thus not only not a sack, but also a penalty and thus should have continued the drive at the 10.  You can't see it on the first 2 angles, but the final angle it's very clear.  Refs botch it again.
Never go full Rider!


Quote from: GOLDMEMBER on August 27, 2023, 12:48:07 AM
My god Leggio sneaking it in just barely everytime.  :o

Who was it here who coined the name "Wide Left Leggs"??  I did "my thing" on that PAT and it was darn close.  My hunch was it was wide (left), but the guy under the upright gave it to him.

But the bigger question, is why always wide left?  Why never wide right?  That GC kick was heading left, too.  You'd think if every single time you are too left that you'd just recalibrate and kick everything x degrees more right than you think you need.
Never go full Rider!


Quote from: pjrocksmb on August 27, 2023, 01:11:16 AM
I thought that was a good play by the defender.  Looks to be hurt pretty bad. I would want to have another look to be sure.

It was a fake "lookback", head wasn't even turned remotely enough to get sight of the ball.  Thus his early contact, pushing the R out of his jump trajectory, and screening the helmet, would all make for an easy DPI.  Even if you claim he "looked", I bet that's DPI.  Doesn't matter though as HAM still got 1st down next play.
Never go full Rider!


Quote from: Pete on August 27, 2023, 01:35:23 AM
challenge center screwed up again

That is 100% DPI, clear as day.  Did he impede the receiver from getting to the ball?  100%. There is no rule that says he has to have his feet on the ground to be impeded.  Did they see how far the jersey was tugged which caused McInnis to be lower by a foot?

I'd say 75% chance McInnis comes down with that ball if not tugged.

So now the precedent is set?  R in the air?  Just tug him down by the jersey!  This is a very aggravating command decision because it has repercussions into future games. (P.S. Even Riderfans agree.)

Maybe the CFL does need to make me in my man cave (with probably better tech than they have there) the replay official!!  Bradbury too busy eating donuts, getting maple glaze on his monitors.  Bring back Ireland.
Never go full Rider!


Haha, then Suitor instantly says the same thing about precedent.  For once Suitor is 100% correct and I'm glad he spends time speaking in a grave manner as to how bad a call this is and how this is bad for the league.
Never go full Rider!


Quote from: pjrocksmb on August 27, 2023, 01:39:01 AM
Bc fooled NOBODY

You know what's funny: watch it again, the BC "kicker" on the OSK was offside!!  He's running mostly parallel with the line and plants his left foot clearly over the yard line mark.  Then kicks it with his right.  Haha.  Doesn't matter to the result, but funny nonetheless.  Something else the refs screwed up on.
Never go full Rider!


Quote from: barbk on August 27, 2023, 01:51:35 AM
yes, two people.... tee42 and buckzumhoff

No way!  Now that pick was inspired.  I guess BC losing to WPG and (craptacular) SSK rocked their confidence or exposed some real vulnerability.  In hindsight it was possible BC could keep losing: however HAM O showed no ability to move the rock with the 24th stringer QB and zero run game.  So what do they do?  Have their best run game of the year.  I love it: BC was not expecting that and couldn't adjust.

VAJ crying on the sidelines.  Actually crying.  I don't mind Evans crying after losing the GC vs us, but in a reg season game the QB needs to be the captain of the ship and cannot show that emotion.  I think it's part of why VAJ implodes in games where he has adversity.  Not saying dudes can't cry: I'm saying the head honcho leader cannot do it or it ruins the morale and confidence of the other players.  And not just in this game.  That stuff carries over to next week.
Never go full Rider!


Who would have guessed Butler would be the huge moderate-priced fantasy pick this week.  BC is supposed to have a killer run D!!  We need to watch the HAM plan and copy it for when we face BC again.  This solution matches our team perfectly: just run it with Brady early and often and beat them up on the line.

Edit: Ah, I see Goldie said the same thing earlier.  You nailed it Goldie!!

And how about that HAM D!  Big fantasy points tonight.  No one would have guessed.
Never go full Rider!


Re: The fumble. Called on the field as down by contact, which was wrong, but when it was called that way the ball must be immediately recovered and it wasn't. Even if it's challenged, it's BC's ball. Horrible initial call.

Re: The PI. Pull on the jersey to stop the receiver from jumping = PI until last night. The rules haven't changed, but the way they are called has. DB's are also allowed to put a hand up without looking back and that used to be PI for screening.

Hamilton looked great. BC looked like they expected to win by simply showing up.

BC lost the game at the LOS. They got bullied from the very start of the game. They need to regroup if they want to get 2nd in the West, let alone challenge for first.
Winnipeg Blue Bombers - 2019 Grey Cup Champs.


Quote from: TecnoGenius on August 27, 2023, 08:02:44 AM
You know what's funny: watch it again, the BC "kicker" on the OSK was offside!!  He's running mostly parallel with the line and plants his left foot clearly over the yard line mark.  Then kicks it with his right.  Haha.  Doesn't matter to the result, but funny nonetheless.  Something else the refs screwed up on.
Makes sense, you have a good eye for this stuff