Horrifically Bad UR Call

Started by TecnoGenius, August 19, 2023, 06:55:21 AM

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Sir Blue and Gold

Quote from: TecnoGenius on August 22, 2023, 05:07:20 AM
Spins like that are rare.  Players almost always instinctively tense up and try to keep a foot or two planted.  Begelton has done this before.  He leaves his feet before the hit and goes limp.  Thus nothing stops him from spinning around like a top.

In fact, it seems even more hard to believe in this latest hit because he was reaching low for the ball (not up or jumping) and thus there's no reason why one or both feet weren't on the ground at the time of impact (yes even in a run).

Ya, it could all be legit and it's just bad luck.  But a pattern is emerging and said pattern doesn't happen multiple times to any other player I can think of.

Yes, I'm not minimizing the hit or how hard it was.  But it was glancing, i.e. both going the same direction, not head on.  It probably hurts and knocks the wind out of you.  Not denying that reality.  But the laying on the ground after a non-head on collision, doing "I've been concussed" hand movements, that's rare when you're not really hurt.  And we know he wasn't really hurt because he was running full speed on the next play.  You say the trainers didn't come: why is that?  Dude was down for 30s+.  Do the trainers know not to come out for a Begelton "injury"??  Don't trainers usually come out after a guy is down for 5s?  That's even more suspicious...

I have no proof of anything, and I could very well be wrong, but to me it smells fishy, and it continues a pattern.

You are going off the deep end, man.


лава Україні!
What a wretched timeline.


They weren't going the same direction, Holm was going sideline to sideline, Begelton was heading downfield.  That's how Holm got in front of him and got his arms without hitting his body, his arms were ineffectually extended out reaching towards the ball.  Holm was driving to the ball (he had a better shot at it), and contact was made.
Unabashed positron.  Blue koolaid in my fridge.  I wear my blue sunglasses at night.  Homer, d'oh.


Quote from: theaardvark on August 22, 2023, 03:30:11 PM
They weren't going the same direction, Holm was going sideline to sideline, Begelton was heading downfield.  That's how Holm got in front of him and got his arms without hitting his body, his arms were ineffectually extended out reaching towards the ball.  Holm was driving to the ball (he had a better shot at it), and contact was made.

Both were adjusting to Begelton's left to make it to the ball.  Watch again, it was at around 90 degrees.  180 would be head on.  So ya, not same direction but still an angle less conducive to injuries and big hits.  Seriously, we see more massive head-ons all the time in every game.  No flags for 99% of them.

I guess you guys all forget the last time Begelton did this to us and cost us 15 yards, in an even more spectacular full-jump spin (Biggie hit?).  Exact same discussion on the forums and the TSN booth/panel saying "uh, that's not illegal / UR".  I hold a grudge for a long time, sorry not sorry.  I was fine with one, didn't think anything bad regarding Begelton; I'm not fine with two with the exact same M.O.;  Wait until I see #3...
Never go full Rider!


I am in Techno's camp on this one...but the debate needs to be done.
I will always respect the human element in officiating at the pro level what ever sport is being played.
It makes for great debate and discussion...and in this case the human error was quite apparent!! ;D
I'd rather be a Bomber than a .....


Quote from: TecnoGenius on August 23, 2023, 07:34:03 AM
Both were adjusting to Begelton's left to make it to the ball.  Watch again, it was at around 90 degrees.  180 would be head on.  So ya, not same direction but still an angle less conducive to injuries and big hits.  Seriously, we see more massive head-ons all the time in every game.  No flags for 99% of them.

I guess you guys all forget the last time Begelton did this to us and cost us 15 yards, in an even more spectacular full-jump spin (Biggie hit?).  Exact same discussion on the forums and the TSN booth/panel saying "uh, that's not illegal / UR".  I hold a grudge for a long time, sorry not sorry.  I was fine with one, didn't think anything bad regarding Begelton; I'm not fine with two with the exact same M.O.;  Wait until I see #3...

90 degrees IS perpendicular, one running east west, one running north south, which is exactly what I said...
Unabashed positron.  Blue koolaid in my fridge.  I wear my blue sunglasses at night.  Homer, d'oh.