Lions at Elks GDT

Started by GOLDMEMBER, July 29, 2023, 11:12:31 PM

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Quote from: GOLDMEMBER on July 30, 2023, 01:07:01 AM
TD Lions. At least half the yards given up we?re penalty yards on that drive I think lol

The worst part is it kills you in fantasy!  I think fantasy should award DPIs to the QB/receiver as though it were a catch.  Being robbed by DPIs is annoying.  The worst is DPI in the EZ so the 3rd QB nobody picked gets the sneak points.
Never go full Rider!


Packing so many more divisional games in the schedule is really really bad for the weakest W teams.  The extra E-W games we used to have were a great way to bad W teams not to look so bad.  Now we barely get to see each E team once.  Lapos OTT year I don't think we got to play them once, and they were the free bingo spot!

EDM and SSK are looking worse than they would have in 2019 because they have to play the top W teams 3 times each.
Never go full Rider!


Quote from: TecnoGenius on July 30, 2023, 03:19:01 AM
You know it!  Haha.  It might take something as drastic as a name change (along with a HC) to turn this dumpster fire around.  Plus, then you can sell all new merch again  :D :D

Someone pointed out before that the streak started before they changed the name, but it was like Oct it started and thus only a couple of home games left for that season as the Esks.  It's reasonable to exclude the 1-3 home games they lost as the Esks from the streak, as teams lose a couple of home games to end a season all the time, and thus one can still say the Elks name is what cursed them.

Should have been Empire.  Elks is just lame.  Poor fans.

The name sounds weak!


Taylor Cornelius never was and never will be the answer in Edmonton. I d like to know who decided to move on from Trevor Harris or nick arbuckle, that guy should be gone. I d move on from corny , he is truly hopeless.


Quote from: Pete on July 30, 2023, 01:40:15 AM
command center doesn't like jones either, considering call on field was a fumble

Rule 1 - Section 3 - Possession:
Possession means having the ball firmly held in the hand or hands, arm or arms, leg or legs, or under the body.

Lucky caught that ball perfectly and firmly, didn't move it relative to his hands at all (no change of grip or bobble), and while fully in control tried to tuck it and whiffed.

To me that's a catch and fumble.  Doubly so because it was ruled so on the field.

So what is command going to claim here?  That it was bang-bang?  But there was no bang.  No one hit Lucky.  He did it himself.

That it all happened so fast?  There is no rule that says you have to have it "firmly held" for greater than X seconds.  This is almost certainly what they'll say here, but when the ball is caught so perfectly like that, I think the timing is irrelevant.

P.S. The "survives the ground" thing doesn't apply because Lucky wasn't falling/diving/

Command couldn't throw EDM a bone there?  Do they want EDM more embarrassed to try to sell more BC tickets?  Are they all-in on BC beating WPG to the cup this year for ratings?  Makes you wonder.
Never go full Rider!


This game seems like it's going on forever.  I was shocked the end of the 3rd wasn't the end of the 4th.  Maybe so many incompletions and punts cause a super long game with so much clock stoppage.

And if you've given up all hope of winning, why not do your normal mix of run plays?  Where are the sweeps?  You can't win, so why not tell everyone the goal is to just drive the field and score.  They had all 2nd half to do it.  Just run your scripted drive (you do have a drive scripted, don't you?) and get some points.

Just made it to the 3:19 INT... haha, that almost certainly puts Corny at negative fantasy points for the night.  Every INT is -2.

Why isn't BC putting in their B team now?  Tempting fate as the EDM D has been playing hardnosed, if ineffective.
Never go full Rider!


Quote from: Doublezero on July 30, 2023, 02:01:59 AM
Feeling sorry for Elks fans.

Yup, we know -- WPG fans know this feeling.

But hey, feel good for the fans who bought the P1 seats in week 1 and get a full season of tickets because of it.  Can't argue with that deal.  (Might make real STH gripe though.)

If BC faces EDM 3 times, and I think they do, why are they running up the score?  20s left they could just go V.  Was MOS going to do that if Houston had batted down that last ball?  Just seems odd.
Never go full Rider!


Quote from: dd on July 30, 2023, 04:16:41 AM
Taylor Cornelius never was and never will be the answer in Edmonton. I d like to know who decided to move on from Trevor Harris or nick arbuckle, that guy should be gone. I d move on from corny , he is truly hopeless.

Ya, you have to ditch Corny now.  He's not the main problem there, but he's a big part of it.  This is the first game I've seen where he's really not reading the field at all.  Like leaving wide open guys with no glances because he's locked into his #1/#2.  Part of it is how hurried he is all the time, but sometimes he does have the time.  He's just not seeing it.

I don't know, I feel he could be better with a good OL, but it might be the end for him, short of horrendous injury on other teams.

That OL is really awful, though.  Zach and Rourke would look bad behind those hoggies.  Interesting that many of the receivers didn't give up hope: looked like they really wanted to make plays; as did Brown.  I guess they must all be thinking of their jobs, though.

As for T.Harris, I'm pretty sure he wanted out and took less money to leave.  He has always been good at sniffing out sinking ships.

If you ever wanted proof the coaches cap is horrendously bad for the CFL, this is it.  EDM is screwed.  They have no choice but to stick with a HC that has lost the room.  Thanks Ambrosie.
Never go full Rider!


Bye week... who do the Elks say Bye to?

Something has to change, we know Jones is not stepping down as HC/DC/GM, so...

McAdoo gets fired?  Jackson/Howell moves up?  Seems the most logical non-Jones firing.

What should happen is:

Geroy takes the GM spot over.  Jones concentrates on HC, Maxie takes DC spot.  McAdoo move still an option as well.

Ford is somehow in Jone's doghouse.  If you aren't going to play him, trade him for someone you will play.

Unabashed positron.  Blue koolaid in my fridge.  I wear my blue sunglasses at night.  Homer, d'oh.


Corny has not been good, the problem is far far deeper than him. A new QB won't make them any better, IMO.

After watching that game I can't believe we allowed them to stick with us for a while. BC took it to them whistle to whistle.

To say I am extremely worried about our game next week would be fair, BC looks really good.

Blue In BC

Elks are lacking talent all over the roster. OL is not close to good and their running game is non-existent. 4 rookies in their secondary.

I don't see a quick fix on the roster let alone questions about coaching.

Could see some players released ( as Ffrench was ) due to performance issues. Didn't specifically see anyone giving up as the game progressed but Cornelius sure looked like a beat down player.

Elks might explore a trade during the bye but where would they get the best bang in a trade deal? Good OL are not immediately jumping out as available in trade.

Bombers might have a DB that is somewhat in excess of keeping on the roster and SMS. However what do the Elks have we'd want?

Elks are close to be playing for 2024. The Riders and Stamps may not be very good, but catching either and even hoping for a crossover is unlikely at the moment.

So they may let their rookies gain experience by playing. Some vets may be released if they are on 1 year deals and have high SMS impacts.

They don't have many bodies on their PR at the moment ( 5 IIRC ) and I don't think they will get anyone back from 6 game IR very soon.

Let the airlift begin.
2019 Grey Cup Champions

Throw Long Bannatyne

Quote from: dd on July 30, 2023, 04:16:41 AM
Taylor Cornelius never was and never will be the answer in Edmonton. I d like to know who decided to move on from Trevor Harris or nick arbuckle, that guy should be gone. I d move on from corny , he is truly hopeless.

I don't know if someone is telling Cornie not to run or it's his own decision, but in the open field he's an excellent runner, maybe better than Crum.  For whatever reason they are no longer making use of that skill.  He also has a rocket for an arm, criticism when he first came into the league was he was throwing the ball too hard (remember heavy balls?), he's learned to take heat off the ball but it looks like it has effected his accuracy.

I don't think the CFL really has a young QB problem, they have a protection problem.  Fine, Crum, Cornelius and a few other prospects could develop into legitimate starting QB's if they didn't have a D-line or LB in their face the entire game.  I think they're going to have to come up with a rule change in order to flip the script, because right now we are not seeing high quality football in many of these games.


Only guy that I would like would be Jake Ceresna 6'5 295 lbs and 29. Watching him play, he is a beast.

Throw Long Bannatyne

Quote from: Blue In BC on July 30, 2023, 03:35:01 PM
Elks are lacking talent all over the roster. OL is not close to good and their running game is non-existent. 4 rookies in their secondary.

I don't see a quick fix on the roster let alone questions about coaching.

Could see some players released ( as Ffrench was ) due to performance issues. Didn't specifically see anyone giving up as the game progressed but Cornelius sure looked like a beat down player.

Elks might explore a trade during the bye but where would they get the best bang in a trade deal? Good OL are not immediately jumping out as available in trade.

Bombers might have a DB that is somewhat in excess of keeping on the roster and SMS. However what do the Elks have we'd want?

Elks are close to be playing for 2024. The Riders and Stamps may not be very good, but catching either and even hoping for a crossover is unlikely at the moment.

So they may let their rookies gain experience by playing. Some vets may be released if they are on 1 year deals and have high SMS impacts.

They don't have many bodies on their PR at the moment ( 5 IIRC ) and I don't think they will get anyone back from 6 game IR very soon.

Let the airlift begin.

You're right, only 5 players on their PR!  Although they're dealing with 11 players on their 6 game list right now I think that's an indication the front office is not doing it's job of continuously stocking the cupboard.  Looks like Jones has bitten off more than he can chew, the club should give him an ultimatum to give up the GM role and let Geroy take over or lose all 3 jobs in the off-season.


Quote from: theaardvark on July 30, 2023, 03:24:24 PM
Bye week... who do the Elks say Bye to?

Something has to change, we know Jones is not stepping down as HC/DC/GM, so...

McAdoo gets fired?  Jackson/Howell moves up?  Seems the most logical non-Jones firing.

What should happen is:

Geroy takes the GM spot over.  Jones concentrates on HC, Maxie takes DC spot.  McAdoo move still an option as well.

Ford is somehow in Jone's doghouse.  If you aren't going to play him, trade him for someone you will play.

I myself want to see Ford on the field again. He is doing nothing but rotting on the joke of an organization. Trade him where he gets to play.