Rumour: NFL Preseason game at Mosaic in Regina

Started by upp, March 04, 2019, 11:58:22 PM

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Media outlets in Regina and now 3 Down Nation are reporting that there is a possible NFL Preseason game coming to Regina in August.  The teams would be the Raiders and Packers. 

Should this actually happen, I'm not sure what the response would be in Sask.  It's a pretty solid CFL fanbase.  Stay tuned I guess...


Depending on ticket prices, I don't see why a one-off like this wouldn't be hugely successful, though you never can tell with preseason games.
My wife is amazing!


If the powers that be running Mosaic Stadium think it's a worthwhile endeavour, why not. That'd be great publicity for the stadium in Regina.
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Hmmm... did we miss out on this?  Maybe get a game here too? ;) 

Have to wonder why Vancouver didn't get this...  they have a stadium to fit that crowd...
Unabashed positron.  Blue koolaid in my fridge.  I wear my blue sunglasses at night.  Homer, d'oh.


Quote from: theaardvark on March 05, 2019, 05:20:26 PM
Hmmm... did we miss out on this?  Maybe get a game here too? ;) 

Have to wonder why Vancouver didn't get this...  they have a stadium to fit that crowd...

With NHL, AHL, WHL, CFL, CPL and AAIB, Winnipeg's sports dollars are spoken for, I'd think.


Quote from: blue_or_die on March 05, 2019, 07:16:02 PM
With NHL, AHL, WHL, CFL, CPL and AAIB, Winnipeg's sports dollars are spoken for, I'd think.

I'd hazard a guess it's the NHL alone. I don't think we've missed out. NFL pre-season is pretty meh.
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Mid summer game at IGF with the Packers?  Pretty sure it sells out in minutes, even if it is just Packers fans coming...
Unabashed positron.  Blue koolaid in my fridge.  I wear my blue sunglasses at night.  Homer, d'oh.


Quote from: theaardvark on March 05, 2019, 08:28:33 PM
Mid summer game at IGF with the Packers?  Pretty sure it sells out in minutes, even if it is just Packers fans coming...

Yeah as a one-off you could definitely be right. Not sure there are 33k+ Packers fans in the area, though.

I didn't mean to imply that it wouldn't do well if it happened here, just not something that's likely worth pursing given our sports entertainment is jam-packed and while this might work, it would dilute other sports we have that need this money.

In Sask where there's even more love for football and no other pro team, along with a really nice stadium to showcase, it makes more sense IMO.


Quote from: blue_or_die on March 05, 2019, 08:47:23 PM
Yeah as a one-off you could definitely be right. Not sure there are 33k+ Packers fans in the area, though.

I didn't mean to imply that it wouldn't do well if it happened here, just not something that's likely worth pursing given our sports entertainment is jam-packed and while this might work, it would dilute other sports we have that need this money.

In Sask where there's even more love for football and no other pro team, along with a really nice stadium to showcase, it makes more sense IMO.

I didn't mean local Packer fans, I meant from actual Green Bay... its not that bad a drive...
Unabashed positron.  Blue koolaid in my fridge.  I wear my blue sunglasses at night.  Homer, d'oh.


Quote from: theaardvark on March 05, 2019, 08:56:51 PM
I didn't mean local Packer fans, I meant from actual Green Bay... its not that bad a drive...

I'd be all for a NFL pre-season game at IGF, but what makes you think Packers fans from WI would come all this way to watch one? I don't even think Vikings fans would make the drive from Minneapolis to see their team play in a glorified practice here in Winnipeg.
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Norlorne Dr.

I bet this would be a massive draw and would sell out extremely fast.


Remember this is likely a game 1 or 2 NFL exhibition game where literally NO starters play. This would be a game of no name NFL hopefuls dressed in NFL uniforms and they likely will ask for 150-200 bucks a ticket for the "privilege" of watching them play. Regina makes total sense for a rip off of this calibre because they are so novelty entertainment starved that it just might work.

NFL network says there are currently 16 other cities expected to make a bid to host these games as well so Regina better back up the Brinks truck.
Some people take this forum way too seriously.


Quote from: blue_gold_84 on March 05, 2019, 09:22:40 PM
I'd be all for a NFL pre-season game at IGF, but what makes you think Packers fans from WI would come all this way to watch one? I don't even think Vikings fans would make the drive from Minneapolis to see their team play in a glorified practice here in Winnipeg.

The ONLY reason the exhibition road show is even being considered is because the Raiders have no place to play until well into the season due to their stadium lease problems. There is zero chance any team other than the Raiders vs ?? will be who is playing.
Some people take this forum way too seriously.


Quote from: GCn18 on March 06, 2019, 01:05:11 PM
Remember this is likely a game 1 or 2 NFL exhibition game where literally NO starters play. This would be a game of no name NFL hopefuls dressed in NFL uniforms and they likely will ask for 150-200 bucks a ticket for the "privilege" of watching them play. Regina makes total sense for a rip off of this calibre because they are so novelty entertainment starved that it just might work.

NFL network says there are currently 16 other cities expected to make a bid to host these games as well so Regina better back up the Brinks truck.

Yeah, I thought it would be a huge draw until I thought of this.

Aaron Rodgers et al. wont even get on the plane, much less see the field.
My wife is amazing!


On the radio they were talking about it and comparing it to when the Bills did their series in Toronto.

While getting an NFL preseason game is super cool and would do well in Sask, it's not even closely comparable to a regular season game. It's just a neat novelty.


Comparing a football game in Toronto to one in SSK?  Talk about apples and orangutangs..  Argos can't draw flies, and the game was in the Dome...
Unabashed positron.  Blue koolaid in my fridge.  I wear my blue sunglasses at night.  Homer, d'oh.


Quote from: blue_or_die on March 06, 2019, 06:58:28 PM
On the radio they were talking about it and comparing it to when the Bills did their series in Toronto.

While getting an NFL preseason game is super cool and would do well in Sask, it's not even closely comparable to a regular season game. It's just a neat novelty.

How is it even remotely comparable? ???

And really, why even attempt to make that comparison? The Bills Toronto Series was ultimately a disaster and then was cancelled.
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Quote from: blue_gold_84 on March 06, 2019, 07:50:04 PM
How is it even remotely comparable? ???

And really, why even attempt to make that comparison? The Bills Toronto Series was ultimately a disaster and then was cancelled.

The comparison really got ridiculous when the DJ (not sports radio) talked about how great the Toronto NFL experiment was  :D

I wonder if this is the perception of the general population, though- that it's on the same level as a regular season NFL game. Good for a laugh if you're a football fan, but it's realistic that this may actually be the case


"The Bills Toronto Series: so great it was postponed and then canceled!"
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What a wretched timeline.


Quote from: blue_gold_84 on March 06, 2019, 09:47:33 PM
"The Bills Toronto Series: so great it was postponed and then canceled!"

Was that before or after Trump tried to buy the Bills?
Unabashed positron.  Blue koolaid in my fridge.  I wear my blue sunglasses at night.  Homer, d'oh.


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Quote from: blue_gold_84 on March 26, 2019, 03:21:47 PM
Sounds like this is gaining steam:
The Riders have said they don't want the game in Regina and the Bombers are exploring the possibility of the game being played in Winnipeg.

3DownNation has a few articles on the topic on their website.


Could be Edmonton or Calgary too... not sure why BC place isn't the first choice.  Capacity, roof... it has all the fixings...
Unabashed positron.  Blue koolaid in my fridge.  I wear my blue sunglasses at night.  Homer, d'oh.


Quote from: theaardvark on March 26, 2019, 09:15:55 PM
Could be Edmonton or Calgary too... not sure why BC place isn't the first choice.  Capacity, roof... it has all the fixings...
Edmonton and BC play at home that week-end.


Quote from: gobombersgo on March 26, 2019, 07:43:55 PM
The Riders have said they don't want the game in Regina and the Bombers are exploring the possibility of the game being played in Winnipeg.

3DownNation has a few articles on the topic on their website.

Well, so much for that lame idea.
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