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Started by ModAdmin, September 07, 2017, 05:04:56 PM

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The Fresh Prince Of Belair, MB

Quote from: The Zipp on September 29, 2017, 03:35:57 AM
One of the worst hits to the head you will see just happened in the packers / bears games.  Poor Davonte Adams was just knocked cold.  Brutal.

I never watch the NFL, but this was on at the gym and I saw it about 10 seconds after getting on the treadmill.
I haven't seen anything this dirty for quite some time. Adams was being wrapped up by a couple of Bears and was completely defenseless, all he could do is watch it coming a mile away as #59 launched the top of his helmet  square into his face mask. The sound was off but the whistle might have even already been blown. I can't believe #59 didn't get ejected, that looked like a blatant attempt to injure. Glad to see the Packers continue to destroy the Bears after that. Wonder how many games this guy will get? This incident seems worse than say allegedly deflating a football.

The Zipp

Ian Rapoport‏Verified account @RapSheet  11m11 minutes ago
NFL?s Joe Lockhart says Dr. Allen Sills reports #Packers WR Davante Adams suffered a concussion & is in the hospital. I?m told MRI was clean

The Zipp

2 game suspension for trevathan.  Better than 1 or none I guess...


What a joke.  The offender should be suspended for the season.


Poor Adams. Absloute b.s. hit.
🏈 #15 WBBombers #1  🏉 #12 GBPackers #87
🚨 #97 OrangeCrush #29  Let's Go Oilers 🥅
#27 Let's Go Angels ⚾ / ⚽ #7 Portugal 🇵🇹


Total slap on the wrist for this premeditated intent to injure play. The league and sport has got to get serious with these type of egregious hits. A minimum of 4 games would have sent a stronger message. Sad.

The Zipp

Quote from: dd on October 01, 2017, 11:03:27 PM
Total slap on the wrist for this premeditated intent to injure play. The league and sport has got to get serious with these type of egregious hits. A minimum of 4 games would have sent a stronger message. Sad.

Hardly think it was "premeditated". The game moves at an incredible pace - I don't believe he went out there planning on popping Adams in the head.  It was a penalty for sure and worthy of a suspension.


Quote from: The Zipp on October 02, 2017, 01:01:24 AM
Hardly think it was "premeditated". The game moves at an incredible pace - I don't believe he went out there planning on popping Adams in the head.  It was a penalty for sure and worthy of a suspension.
Really cuz he was CLEARLY wrapped up. Zero reason to even make the hit. ZERO
🏈 #15 WBBombers #1  🏉 #12 GBPackers #87
🚨 #97 OrangeCrush #29  Let's Go Oilers 🥅
#27 Let's Go Angels ⚾ / ⚽ #7 Portugal 🇵🇹


I'd guess he was going for a hit to dislodge the ball and didn't count on the ball carrier lowering his head at the last second

Sir Blue and Gold

Is anyone else really surprised that Carson Wentz and the Eagles look like SuperBowl favorites at 5-1 after 6 games?


Quote from: Sir Blue and Gold on October 13, 2017, 08:05:02 PM
Is anyone else really surprised that Carson Wentz and the Eagles look like SuperBowl favorites at 5-1 after 6 games?

I'm surprised but I wouldn't say really surprised. If you had me look at their schedule before the season the only win I would have possibly questioned would be the Redskins game on the road. The other 4 on paper would have seemed like gimmies to me (Didn't foresee Carolina doing anything this season, thought Cam was approaching ruined by injuries territory).


лава Україні!
What a wretched timeline.


Quote from: blue_gold_84 on October 15, 2017, 08:02:00 PM
Packers' QB Rodgers suffers broken collarbone:

Maybe Kaepernick is worth a look...? Oh, wait, he's filed a grievance:
guess my Rogers jersey T won't see light of day for another year!

To bad love watching him sling it!!!


Winless Giants making the Broncos look like fools at home.
лава Україні!
What a wretched timeline.