Banjo Bowl ( early talk )

Started by Blue In BC, September 02, 2024, 03:30:50 PM

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Quote from: jayrock on September 06, 2024, 03:43:22 PMwell your first mistake is do not ever go to the rider form. Those people are crazy. And it is always easier to look in from the outside then it is to see from the inside out.

:D That's true. After I go in there and read a little, I ask myself WHY I did that. But, I do get it from family and friends in Sask also.
Oh well, lets just hope for a great day of football !!


Quote from: wpg#1 on September 06, 2024, 03:47:52 PM:D That's true. After I go in there and read a little, I ask myself WHY I did that. But, I do get it from family and friends in Sask also.
Oh well, lets just hope for a great day of football !!

I feel the same way some days when I come on here and read, and then I can not help myself, I have to say something and stir the pot a bit. At least you only get it virtually from family, its live and in person for me....haha.
Tomorrow is going to be a fun day regardless. Hope the folks in 212 are ready for me.  Especially since apparently I have to be at the tailgate for 1130

Throw Long Bannatyne

Quote from: ModAdmin on September 06, 2024, 06:42:09 AMWho takes $70k from a team and fails to show up and earn that money?  I'll answer the question - a mercenary!  No excuse or reason would every support such a decision.  Is is legal?  Yes, according to the rules.  Is is fair and acceptable?  Clearly no.  You don't show up for work.  You shouldn't get paid - bonus or otherwise.

I believe the timeline on this was he took the signing bonus in mid Jan. and did tell the Bombers until TC was about to begin, putting them in a spot.  In fact he did not have the stones to tell them at all, as Walters said, they learned of his retirement through social media.


for those who tailgate, what time are you all aiming to arrive?


Quote from: jayrock on September 06, 2024, 05:29:29 PMfor those who tailgate, what time are you all aiming to arrive?
all times? Want a good spot I've seen multiple groups be there for 9AM for Banjo Bowl game day.


Quote from: jayrock on September 06, 2024, 05:29:29 PMfor those who tailgate, what time are you all aiming to arrive?

Come there for 6:30 AM, if we aren't there start without us!


Quote from: jayrock on September 06, 2024, 03:05:07 PMMy two sense, some bomber fans are starting to come off sounding like spoiled children

Spoiled?  Yes, WPG fans have been spoiled since 2019.  Children?  Well, that's ad hominem, so I won't even address it.  Personally, I try to put a lot of meat into my posts, not just throw out petulant one-liners like 90% of the Riderfans forum.

Quote from: jayrock on September 06, 2024, 03:05:07 PMand now the team is just good enough and not everything is going their way they start to complain and whine on and on about it

Are you sure about that?  #1 in the W after sucking in the first 6-7 games?  When has that ever happened in the West?  I know which fan base feels more confident right now, and which one is sweating bullets!

Quote from: jayrock on September 06, 2024, 03:05:07 PMBrown is not a dirty player and he does not have a history of things like this.

He literally does have a history of doing "things like this"!  He took out Dru, now he takes out Zach.  Most DL will go all season never taking out anyone.  So when one player is responsible for 2 separate QB injuries, that's an exceptional outlier.  It's literally the definition of "history" (referencing things that occurred in the past).

Quote from: jayrock on September 06, 2024, 03:05:07 PMYou sound just like all the Rider fans in July when Biggy tackled Patterson.

Except Patterson jumped up and was laughing with his mates how he was trying to draw a flag, and all after doing ridiculous run arounds without throwing the ball away like every other QB would do.  Zach was standing there after releasing the ball expecting protection and he gets a late concussion-attempt head shot.  Hardly the same.

You'd have more of an argument bringing up the '18 Bridges incident like Rider fans love to do.  But that was before the CFL brought in all the new QB protections...

Quote from: jayrock on September 06, 2024, 03:05:07 PMAnd to top it off, to hint at bomber players have the right to hurt another player, just does not help your cause.

No, just pointing out how many teams will target for revenge.  It's between the players and has nothing to do with us.  Who's to say Brown's hit wasn't revenge for the Patterson thing?  And I explicitly said MOS/WPG never bother with revenge, because it detracts from their game plan and concentration.

Advocating for legal hard hits in a game is what fans do.  Pointing out how fragile a particular QB is just stating reality.  I never once said WPG should do anything dirty, I'll leave that to Brown.

One thing we should both agree on is the need to protect QBs, because both WPG and SSK have exceptionally fragile QBs: Zach with his noggin, and Trevor with everything below the neck.  (Patterson is a young'n and can take falling on his butt, just like Strev takes running-back-mode headshots from every SSK DB/LB.)  We have literally the oldest and most fragile (to hits) QBs in the whole league, by a wide margin.  (Masoli doesn't count as his thing is non-contact injuries.)

Wanting to protect our #1 QB and really only shot at a post-season is not "spoiled" or whining: it is a critical matter of survival.  Yes, we will complain about every little head bump because Zach is at the stage that any bump can force him out of a game (or several).  You would too if he was still your QB.  And why shouldn't QBs be afforded an expectation of staying safe from getting concussed on non-legal hits?

Everyone claims they want to see QBs protected and healthy, and having Patterson vs Strevie doesn't get the TV ratings or butts in seats like having the marquee guys does.  So ya, let's have more discussions when Zach gets concussed out of a game, not less.
Never go full Rider!