Good,bad and Ugly

Started by 55StickCar, July 13, 2024, 03:43:25 AM

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The thing that worries me about the Lions  is the lack of pressure we get on Adams, he ll have all day to pick apart our secondary —who hard themselves a good game against Calgary and are improving every week. Still, you give VA tons of time, and he ll gash you, what he did to Hamilton was embarrassing. I m hoping we can hold our own against them, as Collaros and our receiving corps is improving every week too. Should be a great game

Throw Long Bannatyne

Quote from: BomberFan73 on July 13, 2024, 01:33:51 PMGood: 
Sticky/Pokey Wilson, pretty impressive anytime a WR gets a 200 yard game
Brady O got 100+ on only 15 carries, he made the most of them.  2 games in a row now, lets keep this up
Going for 2 and Winning the tiebreaker vs CGY

Sloppy tackling, settling for FGs instead of TDs far too often
TSN messing up the scoreboard & down/yard most of the game

Wilson saying  they are not allowed to keep game balls.  Really?  He had a heck of a game, give him the ball!

I think the thing with the game balls now is the chip makes them too expensive to keep or throw away. Demski almost always flips his TD balls into the stands at home, with the chip the league probably bills players $500 or whatever everytime a ball is kept or lost.


Good-weather was great
    -Colleros has his best game of the season
    -Ontaria Wilson has a breakout game
    -special teams were special, blocked punt, 57 yard field goal good coverage on kicks
Bad-defense most of the game
  -front seven on defense were not good enough poor pass rush, way too many yards allowed on the ground
  -allowing a huge gain on a broken play


3down nation

"Dedrick Mills had a heck of a first half, racking up 108 yards on eight carries.

In the second half, he had seven more carries but totalled just 23 yards for a game total of 131, which doesn't quite tell the story.

"We didn't do much blocking the edge. I thought (Bombers defensive end Willie Jefferson) just had his way with us," Stampeders head coach and general manager Dave Dickenson said after the game. "In the second half, we just couldn't run the ball on first down, and that was what got us in more trouble."

Slingin Sammy

- Pokey's breakout game;
- Winning a 2nd game in a row with a significantly depleted roster that included starters, (particularly on the D Line) who were projected to be back ups or back ups to back ups.

The Bad:
- Lack of push from the D Line for the majority of the game.  Kudos to Fatboi for the late sack; but he and the DLine failed to put any significant pressure on Maier for the preceeding 59 mins.

The Ugly:
- 2nd week in a row refs have blown a call, (not calling the spear on Strevy last week, and blowing the play dead on a catch this week) resulting in an ugly emotionally charged challenge by Osh
Everyone is a genius at least once a year. The real geniuses simply have their bright ideas closer together.


Dunnigan really struggled lastnight.


Quote from: Throw Long Bannatyne on July 13, 2024, 05:35:24 PMI think the thing with the game balls now is the chip makes them too expensive to keep or throw away. Demski almost always flips his TD balls into the stands at home, with the chip the league probably bills players $500 or whatever everytime a ball is kept or lost.

Interesting. Is the NFL doing the chip too? Is there really a big advantage to having this chip? I wonder what kind of valuable data they're hoping to collect. Also, I thought the kickers hated the chip and wanted it gone. Did that not happen?
Go Bombers!

Throw Long Bannatyne

Quote from: J5V on July 14, 2024, 05:01:17 PMInteresting. Is the NFL doing the chip too? Is there really a big advantage to having this chip? I wonder what kind of valuable data they're hoping to collect. Also, I thought the kickers hated the chip and wanted it gone. Did that not happen?

I believe the kickers are allowed to use "chipless" balls, but they are in play otherwise.  They can collect all sorts of data by tracking the balls movement including precise placement on the field when a ref. can't determine it's exact location, as in a goal line stand. Pretty sure the CFL hasn't got this synched with the yard markers yet but it should be a tool used in determining first downs.


Quote from: BomberFan73 on July 13, 2024, 01:33:51 PMUgly:
Wilson saying  they are not allowed to keep game balls.  Really?  He had a heck of a game, give him the ball!

Yup.  It's the chips.  They talked about this in 2023, I think?  They said if players took balls the league would charge them $500 each.

From what Pokey said it seems clear that the entire WFC decided that no one was going to take balls, because then WFC would have to cough up $500 each.  I have seen players of other teams taking balls, so this would appear to be a voluntary choice.

Perhaps WFC should let (i.e. pay for) each player to keep their first CFL TD ball.  Who would disagree with that?  Or make it entirely the player's option: they keep a ball, it's a guaranteed $500 off their pay check that week.

This is also why the red-shirts go up into the stands to hunt down balls that make it into the crowd.  If it was me, that ball would be in my backpack in 3s flat and I'd be like "what ball!?".  :D  :D  :D
Never go full Rider!


So, if a QB throws a ball OOB and it ends up in the stands, $500?

Saw an ELk toss a ball into the crowd, I think it was Gittens on the two point, $500?

Unabashed positron.  Blue koolaid in my fridge.  I wear my blue sunglasses at night.  Homer, d'oh.

Throw Long Bannatyne

Quote from: theaardvark on July 15, 2024, 04:31:20 PMSo, if a QB throws a ball OOB and it ends up in the stands, $500?

Saw an ELk toss a ball into the crowd, I think it was Gittens on the two point, $500?

Most likely a CFL official hustles to retrieve the ball from the stands, maybe offers them a coupon or something in exchange.


Quote from: theaardvark on July 15, 2024, 04:31:20 PMSo, if a QB throws a ball OOB and it ends up in the stands, $500?

Saw an ELk toss a ball into the crowd, I think it was Gittens on the two point, $500?

You bet.  But read my post above yours.  I watch those stadium workers (with my binocs) hustle up to get those balls like they are made of diamonds.

I assume if they throw the ball too far (like 2nd level heaven forbid) and can't recover it that 100% they charge the player/team.

It's actually kind of lame: if you are lucky enough to catch an crowd-pass/kick you should keep the darn ball.  Imagine MLB doing this!  Holy smokes, people bring their gloves to help catch game balls!

Now, since they've told us the chips are right under the laces, at worst they should just dig in there and take the chip out and let you keep the ball.... or the dude climbing the stands can carry up a non-chipped ball and you swap balls.  Everyone wins: kid in the stands keeps the ball, and CFL saves $ on the chips.

Imagine my 5yo catches a ball and is so happy & proud and redshirt comes up and rips it out of her hands.  Ya, that'll go down real well.
Never go full Rider!


Quote from: TecnoGenius on July 16, 2024, 03:00:57 AM... or the dude climbing the stands can carry up a non-chipped ball and you swap balls.  Everyone wins: kid in the stands keeps the ball, and CFL saves $ on the chips.
Yeah, I really like this idea. It makes the most sense. That's exactly what should happen. Could always throw in a bonus prize too to sweeten the deal. Fans would love it!
Go Bombers!