A little humor to (hopefully!) cheer us up

Started by Cool Spot, November 20, 2023, 02:42:36 AM

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Quote from: Jesse on November 20, 2023, 05:08:19 AM
Good for Montreal for getting hot in the play-offs, but they were not on the same level as Winnipeg, Toronto, and BC over the course of the year.

It's not an excuse, but MTL was blessed by the Football Injury Gods.  A big contrast to half our R corps being injury-challenged.  I'm not sure MTL was down any key player, nor were any even nicked up badly.  Even Lemon made a miraculous recovery after looking like a non-contact season-ender.  And in-game we were dropping like flies (though returning) whilst MTL suffered not a single injury?

I have to believe we'd have been that 1% better had the main guys been 100%, and guys like Parker not having in-game issues.  And that 1% might have been enough.  Again, not an excuse, but guaranteed a contributing factor.  Funny that MTL was so lucky on that front compared to the "big 3" teams.

Part of it may be chalked up to MTL being significantly younger in nearly every regard.
Never go full Rider!


Quote from: GOLDMEMBER on November 20, 2023, 01:03:07 PM
I slept like absolute crap. This is to much! I will get over it but this is to much today.

Ya, in the hotel it probably took me 3 hours to fall asleep, and I was dead tired after the weekend.  Going over all the plays in my head.  If it was like that for me, I can only imagine what it was like for the team.  Probably never got to sleep.

In my haze I came to the conclusion there's no way we should have given them that low-percentage, medium-long-developing 3rd down 20Y pass.  That was the game right there.  No way that should have gotten off or succeeded.  Take a freakin' timeout there and get your DL plan in line.  Run and pass blitz.  It was one-on-one with that R anyhow, so force the throw slightly off.  That play was the Leggs blocked kick of this year.
Never go full Rider!


Quote from: dd on November 21, 2023, 12:24:23 AM
My sentiments exactly. It's not that we lost, its how we lost, for the second year in a row. We didn't learn from our mistakes from the year before, we merely repeated them. Sad really. You'd think the sting of last year would have made sure we didn't commit turnovers in the red zone, nope, did it again. Don't give up the big offensive play in the dying moments to lose the game. Nope, let that happen again. So much for our coordinators for being genius's, they're insane--they're doing the same things over and over again, expecting different results.

You're right.  It was basically the same game for us as last year.  Developed the same way, allowed them to come back the same way, gave up a big 2nd&20 QB run at a critical time.  Went uber-conservative on the pass game in the 2nd H.  Absolutely no shots for circus catches, nothing to show we have the best receivers (which we do).  The lamest non-panic-time drive / 2'n'outs.  Trying to close out the game with Brady when everyone knew it was coming and thus it was guaranteed stuffed.

2 GC's with AH as the feature back.  2 wins.
2 GC's with BO as the feature back.  2 losses.  Just sayin'.  AH got those 5 yards even when the box was stuffed late in the game.
Never go full Rider!

Cool Spot

Quote from: TecnoGenius on November 21, 2023, 01:18:42 AM
In my haze I came to the conclusion there's no way we should have given them that low-percentage, medium-long-developing 3rd down 20Y pass.  That was the game right there.  No way that should have gotten off or succeeded.  Take a freakin' timeout there and get your DL plan in line. 

I was thinking that, even at the time. On 3rd down, why not stop the clock? It gives your team a chance to figure out what they want to do. If the defense holds, the timeout doesn't matter. If not, well, at least you gave yourself some time to think and it's not like MTL would have been affected (going forward) with a few extra seconds.


Quote from: TecnoGenius on November 21, 2023, 01:23:14 AM
2 GC's with AH as the feature back.  2 wins.
2 GC's with BO as the feature back.  2 losses.

A coincidence and nothing more.
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