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Quote from: Stats Junkie on July 26, 2024, 08:15:28 AMLast time it was applied was August 4, 2022. Rasheed Bailey was penalized for Illegal Participation on a 12 yard reception on a 1st and 15 play. Montreal chose to make it 2nd and 15 rather than 1st and 25.

Thanks for that!  It's nice having a fount of knowledge here.

Funny I don't remember that... I must not have paid attention to the penalty choice as I'm guessing it didn't end the game like this one did.  I'll have to go dig up that game on the PVR to give it a look.

Bailey would often get screwed over on the details, like his first TD/not-TD in the '19 GC.  Shafted on a tiny little error (which I still dispute!).
Well, we have a bit of an answer on blowing up a returner.  Maybe.

CGY@OTT tonight 1Q4:37 Pimpleton gets creamed by onside P Grace as they both make a play for the punted ball slowly rolling around the EZ.

I'd say Grace did basically "blow up" Pimpleton, and I think it was H2H.  No penalty.  Now, maybe it's a bit different since it's not a big D monster, but only the wimpy punter?  And maybe a mitigating factor is they collided when both were diving on the ground.

But they were both making a (legal) play for the ball.  So clearly that was a mitigating factor.

I would have rather seen the scenario of him blowing up the returner while they were standing, but this play hints that maybe you can be laying heavy collisions on returners if you're onside.  That would make Aards right.

Bonus: ironically, the only recent cases of returners screwing up vis a vis punters rushing to play the ball are both when OTT is the returning team.  This instance, and the one that cost Lankford his CFL career.  Maybe OTT needs to better train up their STs.
Quote from: TecnoGenius on July 26, 2024, 11:13:09 PMI thought it was ok.  He was selling his brand.  Also, he clearly has been reading his press (and forum!) coverage which always highlights his passion.  So now he's saying "ok, ya, I'll buy into that, I'm the passion guy, the heart & soul" (my words).  So he plays it up.

If the other guys don't believe he's a "leader" then, trust me, they'll laugh at him and take him down a notch.

Maybe there was a locker room blow-up in TOR after losing to bitter rivals HAM... maybe Sheed was on the wrong side of that.  Maybe he doesn't FIFO there... but we know he FIFOs here!

Quote from: TecnoGenius on July 26, 2024, 11:13:09 PMI thought it was ok.  He was selling his brand.  Also, he clearly has been reading his press (and forum!) coverage which always highlights his passion.  So now he's saying "ok, ya, I'll buy into that, I'm the passion guy, the heart & soul" (my words).  So he plays it up.

If the other guys don't believe he's a "leader" then, trust me, they'll laugh at him and take him down a notch.

Maybe there was a locker room blow-up in TOR after losing to bitter rivals HAM... maybe Sheed was on the wrong side of that.  Maybe he doesn't FIFO there... but we know he FIFOs here!

I suspect Sheed rubs many people the wrong way, he's a highly emotional person and he rarely stops talking, which could be annoying and draining for new teammates to put up with.
Blue Bomber & CFL Discussion Forum / Re: Bombers @ Argos
Last post by J5V - Today at 04:02:23 AM
Quote from: dd on Today at 02:30:44 AMIt's hard to believe that we are chasing the stampeders in the standings!!! That was the worst performance I have ever saw. Man the elks and the tabbies don't ever look this bad, we don't look this bad!! Man that was a stinker.
Maier just doesn't seem to have the kind of persona that other players rally behind. Brown OTOH seems to have the whole team behind him.
Quote from: GOLDMEMBER on July 26, 2024, 11:50:26 PMNo French from this ref today? Wth

Only French in MTL.  Major probably relieved he doesn't have to use that part of his brain tonight.
Blue Bomber & CFL Discussion Forum / Re: CFL injuries
Last post by TecnoGenius - Today at 02:41:25 AM
Quote from: Pigskin on July 26, 2024, 07:49:41 PMLove Wilson but, he has only played in 46 games for the Bomber in the last 5 years. About 9 games per season and back on the 6 game again.

Ya, it's Ian Wild syndrome.  It might be a function of the position.  So many big hits so often and the body starts falling apart.  Wilson may be the most important piece in our LB corps from a physical standpoint.  He's so good against the run, decent at blitz... it's a real loss when he's out.  Remember the start of '23 when he wasn't in and we really struggled against the run?

However, he's extremely good, so you don't just ditch him.  What's most important is to be grooming the next WILL so when he's out we have good options.  With Cole gone we are extremely limited right now.
Quote from: theaardvark on July 26, 2024, 03:27:32 PMWhy is Chad Kelly on the Argos AR?

Is he?  He's nowhere on the GD depth chart, and the bottom page shows the entire AR.  He's actually nowhere on that sheet, not on AR, PR nor IR.
Blue Bomber & CFL Discussion Forum / Re: Stamps at Redblacks GDT
Last post by dd - Today at 02:30:44 AM
It's hard to believe that we are chasing the stampeders in the standings!!! That was the worst performance I have ever saw. Man the elks and the tabbies don't ever look this bad, we don't look this bad!! Man that was a stinker.
Stamps are a bunch of chumps.