Blue Bombers Forum

The Extra Point => Blue Bomber & CFL Discussion Forum => Topic started by: Tiger on September 27, 2024, 12:33:03 PM

Question: It will be Blue Noise old school loud
Option 1: Loud votes: 11
Option 2: Average votes: 1
Option 3: Tepid votes: 0
Option 4: Argos loud (crickets) votes: 1
Title: Will it be loud or tepid tonight?
Post by: Tiger on September 27, 2024, 12:33:03 PM
It seems this year it has not been as loud.  Was it the poor start? Are fan complacent? Are fans suffering Argo- itis?

I think we will turn the corner with earn bleeding noise tonight.
Title: Re: Will it be loud or tepid tonight?
Post by: GOLDMEMBER on September 27, 2024, 12:45:18 PM
The Banjo Bowl was as loud as ever!
Other sold out games tough to tell.
I think maybe your hearing is going. :D
Title: Re: Will it be loud or tepid tonight?
Post by: wpg#1 on September 27, 2024, 01:15:13 PM
HMMMM I have to disagree, it's been very loud the last 3 or 4 home games. Sell out loud. The banjo bowl was extreme loud. My ears were actually ringing a bit post game. So much fun !!
Title: Re: Will it be loud or tepid tonight?
Post by: Blueforlife on September 27, 2024, 02:34:35 PM
I have been wearing ear plugs and it's been loud in the upper deck
Title: Re: Will it be loud or tepid tonight?
Post by: Blueforlife on September 28, 2024, 05:20:03 AM
111 decibels I think or something
Will it be loud lol
Title: Re: Will it be loud or tepid tonight?
Post by: TecnoGenius on September 28, 2024, 07:03:42 AM
I now sit pretty high up in 200-level, and it's not as loud as I remember when I used to sit all over.

So tonight I found out why... I walked down a few times to get chow while our D was playing, and the farther down I got, the louder it got!  Like maybe 6 or 9dB increase.

So maybe you've been sitting farther back?  I still get ringing ears after games, but it's not like it used to be when I was often in the first 6 rows of upper or lower sections.

I miss those old days where the noise would get to distortion / ear-damaging levels.  I really liked that.  It's still there -- I'm just in the wrong spot.
Title: Re: Will it be loud or tepid tonight?
Post by: Jesse on September 28, 2024, 01:02:00 PM
All I know is my Apple Watch warns me when I'm in a loud environment. Early in the games I get the 90 decibel warnings. Late in games I get the 100 decibel warnings.

Seems pretty loud.
Title: Re: Will it be loud or tepid tonight?
Post by: Sir Blue and Gold on September 28, 2024, 02:34:30 PM
The roof funnels sound down. The lower you go the louder it gets. I've sat down on the field before in that party/corporate zone by the visiting bench and it's hard to hear anything when it's cranked up in there. Can't imagine trying to call plays and communicate something like a football offense when you can't even talk to the person beside you about nothing important.
Title: Re: Will it be loud or tepid tonight?
Post by: bwiser on September 28, 2024, 03:21:46 PM
Last nights game was loud in the first half but in the second half with the game well in hand it might have got a little quieter. The games that are close are always loudest and get louder later in the game until the fourth quarter is deafening.