Blue Bombers Forum

The Extra Point => Blue Bomber & CFL Discussion Forum => Topic started by: theaardvark on September 17, 2024, 06:45:37 PM

Title: Power rankings....
Post by: theaardvark on September 17, 2024, 06:45:37 PM

What the heck?

Bye week and we move up to the top of the power rankings?

Ok, I'll take it, but really?

MTL gets a tie, drop 2 spots.

ELKs get a win over CGY, move up two.

We don't even play, and move up two.

Title: Re: Power rankings....
Post by: TecnoGenius on September 17, 2024, 09:10:34 PM
I must say, these rankings are basically crazy.

Ya, I get that they are trying to measure "power" at this moment in time, taking into account momentum and trajectory... but it would seem more useful if there weren't wild and erratic moves each week.

I prefer it to be a sort of prediction of how the season will end up, and in no way will these rankings be how the teams end their season!

Then again, a huge laugh seeing SSK in 2nd last (for now) -- must drive the greenies crazy!

P.S. Why is the sponsor of the power rankings an anagram of Masoli?  Every time I see the word I read it as Masoli.  The Masoli Power Rankings, huh?
Title: Re: Power rankings....
Post by: Blueforlife on September 17, 2024, 10:38:28 PM
We are at full power.  That is all that matters.

Edmonton surging, Mtl back to earth.

Ottawa consistent.

Sask and Cgy self imploding.

Rest average.