Coaches show ...

Started by The Zipp, July 30, 2024, 12:44:47 AM

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It was a mistake.  They happen.  Nothing will change.  It was an interpretation of what actually happened and it was dead wrong.  The big question is why the people (plural) in the command centre - with multiple angles and time to review - could make that mistake? They are supposed to be experts in the rules and the final resort in correcting (or affirming) officiating calls. To me it's mind-boggling and unfortunately it arguably had a direct effect on the result of the game.

It would be fair to receive information on what happened with those officials.  Players are identified when they break the rules, are fined or suspended.  Why the double standard for officials.
"You can't let praise or criticism get to you. It's a weakness to get caught up in either one." - John Wooden


Quote from: ModAdmin on August 13, 2024, 06:58:07 AMIt was a mistake.  They happen.  Nothing will change.  It was an interpretation of what actually happened and it was dead wrong.  The big question is why the people (plural) in the command centre - with multiple angles and time to review - could make that mistake? They are supposed to be experts in the rules and the final resort in correcting (or affirming) officiating calls.

I forgive the TOR Demski DPI ref.  It's hard real time.  I do not forgive command.  There is no excuse.  They exist to correct the "mistake", especially when a coach is risking his challenge/TO on it -- then there should be even more impetus to "get it right".  Also, the HC should be allowed to relay to command what precisely they saw (if anything) that they feel is egregious.

The worst part IMHO is when all of us every-game-for-a-decade+ fans of all stripes clearly see the DPI/not-DPI of it and command still gets it wrong.  Just like the refs/command, we all have a good feel for what command calls DPI -- what the standard and precedent is.  When even the opposing fans know command is full of hooey, then you know something is direly wrong with the situation.
Never go full Rider!

The Zipp

IMO - they should have released these mistakes days after the game (by the Tuesday after) and posted on social media that they were wrong and even a generic statement about "feedback" given to the officials involved in the decisions.

Ambroise actually seems to think CFL fans are dumb or not worth the time and effort to be up front with them.


Quote from: The Zipp on August 13, 2024, 01:12:54 PMIMO - they should have released these mistakes days after the game (by the Tuesday after) and posted on social media that they were wrong and even a generic statement about "feedback" given to the officials involved in the decisions.

Ambroise actually seems to think CFL fans are dumb or not worth the time and effort to be up front with them.

This is a quick way to get even less qualified refs on the field, tbh.

Why the shot at Ambrosie and the CFL when no sports league does what you're asking?
My wife is amazing!

The Zipp

Quote from: Jesse on August 13, 2024, 01:48:47 PMThis is a quick way to get even less qualified refs on the field, tbh.

Why the shot at Ambrosie and the CFL when no sports league does what you're asking?

The NFL does a better job of admitting their mistakes in officiating - more details and more timely...we actually have better processes in regards to challenges and command centre we just aren't closing the loop and that is on Ambrosie.

If MOS hadn't mentioned this - how would we have known?  Was something issued earlier by the CFL?  I might have missed it if there was something but I am pretty on top of CFL news.


What is scary, and I do mean scary, is that most everyone posting on the forum knew the proper correct call. Seriously, we the. Fan, knew the correct call!!!

The mistakes and horrendous bad calls by the command center cost the Bombers, and probably other teams, in other incidents.

Basic principles were not applied.

Duh! Any early contact knocking a receiver off the chance to catch a pass is pass interference. That's one of the easiest calls to make.  Oh well, if it doesn't kill ya, it makes ya stronger.  Is that the saying.

On a positive note Bombers defense has  continued to improve. D line and LBs have really played better each game. As a result, so too the DBs.  Woo hoo!

Throw Long Bannatyne

Quote from: TecnoGenius on August 13, 2024, 06:35:05 AMWow.  So... now what.  Say what we all knew to be true already a few weeks later.

That play was the whole game.  Without that play we win that game and are +2 in the standings, not only helping us outright in the W, but also making it easier to xover vs potential 3rd place TOR.  Oh ya, and we also would have still had our challenge and timeout.  What a shambles.

Did the CFL release a public statement or is this MOS passing on confidential material?  Can he get in trouble for it?

I want a public apology like the CFL did last time they robbed us with the CGY "no-end" game.  I also want command center reprimanded, especially since they are now seemingly changing who is running it each week. I'm pretty sure it was Bradbury that night.  Not like Valesi is any better, but I'm not sure I want Valesi adjudicating anything related to our games.

Now... when are they going to apologize for the SSK fake DPIs?

I would be more comfortable hearing the names of unrecognized personnel manning the CC, instead of 2 individuals that have a long history with the CFL and probably no real sense of neutrality towards the existing officials. Wasn't there a reason they were removed from the field?  Neutrality being the key word and not just a perpetual continuation of the old boys network in all aspects of the CFL.


"You can't let praise or criticism get to you. It's a weakness to get caught up in either one." - John Wooden


Quote from: TecnoGenius on August 13, 2024, 06:35:05 AMWow.  So... now what.  Say what we all knew to be true already a few weeks later.

That play was the whole game.  Without that play we win that game and are +2 in the standings, not only helping us outright in the W, but also making it easier to xover vs potential 3rd place TOR.  Oh ya, and we also would have still had our challenge and timeout.  What a shambles.
I've been saying it for years. The Toronto Sports Network and the CFL will always always always favour the Argos. It's been that way since I was a kid and that was a very long time ago.

If it's any consolation, we aren't the only team to suffer from Argo bias. All teams have had their turn. When we beat the Argos, savor it.
Go Bombers!


Quote from: ModAdmin on August 13, 2024, 06:14:40 PM3rdDownNation's take on the CC reviews...

Meh.  Bad take.  If you do away with command then you get the NFL situation where the biggest games of all can be completely ruined by a bought-off or incompetent ref on a rogue DPI.  I still remember that SuperBowl a long while back where the worst DPI of absolutely nothing rigged the whole game near the end, and no one could challenge it.  I haven't respected the NFL since.  It's a trash league rigged for Vegas where the spectacle is more important than the integrity.  I don't want the CFL to become the same thing.

I am of the opposite mind: make the game more perfect.  Genius was brought in to add all this great tech.  So let's use it.  Let's make it faster (the main gripe) and easier to get more calls perfect.  More cameras, more eyeballs, more tech, more Aards laserbeams, more instant and automatic "making things right".  The key is to achieve this while upping the pace of the game.  They make it sound like they are mutually exclusive.  They don't have to be.

I'm glad to see their last point: have the same dude/dudette running command every week.  Didn't it used to be Ireland was always the guy?  And wasn't it 100% Bradbury last season?  Ya, rotating with Valesi who is a on-field ref some weeks is just dumb.
Never go full Rider!

Sir Blue and Gold

I'm fine with it as it is. I'd be okay if they got rid of the ticky tack roughing the passer challenges though. Did a hand graze the helmet? Was it forceable? 

bomb squad

I don't like the 3-down take. Not even going to bother addressing anything in it. Off the mark by a mile.

I think they're on the right track with the review process. It's not a perfect science and never will be. Just need to keep tweaking it, working on consistency, and improving it. 

I'll keep saying it though, I think the CFL would be well-served by being more transparent with their officiating process. They're still afraid for some reason. Really, I don't think they have anything to lose.

I'd like to see them work with TSN to do a feature on how the Command Center operates. How do they come to a decision? Who is involved in the decision? What are their credentials? I'm sure the head CC ref doesn't work in isolation when coming to a decision. I think that would be interesting and helpful to all. 


Those calls against the Bombers were bull poop. Those replay officials lost games for the Bombers. Say it like it was!  lol!


what id like to see in the meantime is the officials giving a more comprehensive explanation of the command center decision ie  the ruling on the field stands vs there is no interference as the defenders action had no impact on the receiver's ability to catch the ball. or the defender arrived at the same time as the ball.
 Even if its given to the tsn booth much as they are likely currently giving the coaches an explanation,,,or should be.
It certainly shouldnt take 5 or 6 days to do so as it is now
(and would also not subject us to Suitors explanation as he sees it)

bomb squad

I have to wonder too if the admission on the Demski call came after the overturned non dpi call against Ottawa in OT 1 of the OTT/SSK game. Perhaps they felt they had to admit the Demski mistake because that ruling was obviously inconsistent with the overturn standard used in the OTT/SSK game? Likely not, but still makes me wonder a bit. Or, do they admit they were both wrong?