Official Game Day Thread - Winnipeg at Saskatchewan - July 19, 2024

Started by ModAdmin, July 17, 2024, 08:32:46 PM

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I wouldn't worry about the Riders.  I'm worrying whether we will now make the playoffs.  2 - 5 is not good and we still have to face BC. :(


Quote from: Throw Long Bannatyne on July 21, 2024, 04:43:11 AMBiggie is chasing some tackle record, so every one counts!

Not a consideration in the least.

It was a football play, and Biggie is a football player.  Patterson f'd around and found out.
Unabashed positron.  Blue koolaid in my fridge.  I wear my blue sunglasses at night.  Homer, d'oh.


Quote from: J5V on July 21, 2024, 02:15:02 PMkudos bro'! Very well said. Respect your opinion whether we agree or not and even more so now. Lots of dickery in that game and I loved Biggie's response to the attempt to rub it in. Riders gotv away with OL holding and lots of dirty crap at the end of plays. Enough was enough.
Thanks, and thats the beauty of this forum, you don't have to agree with what everyone says, and quite often you don't, but sometimes, after you read what others have said and think about it, you see things from a different perspective and are the better man for it. 


Biggie should have made that hit during the previous 59:40 seconds! Lol!
Good to see the boys rallied around him.  When do we play those precks next?

Throw Long Bannatyne

Quote from: DM83 on July 21, 2024, 08:22:58 PMBiggie should have made that hit during the previous 59:40 seconds! Lol!
Good to see the boys rallied around him.  When do we play those precks next?

Annual meeting around Labour Day!


Quote from: Lincoln Locomotive on July 20, 2024, 11:16:28 AMWe were beaten by a much better Rider team today plain and simple and it hurts to admit that....

But they weren't.  It was 6-6 at HT.  Both teams were awful.  SSK O is as bad, or worse, than ours.  Without the 2 DPI gifts on 2nd down when they'd be off the field, our team would have had 2 more series.  Without the also-dubious DH calls (rarely seen in the CFL), we likely also have 2 more series (that's 4 series total).

Even with all of the above, we were probably a Demski fumble from pulling out a win in this game.  SSK D was a bit better than ours, but (strangely) not by too much.  ST was a wash, with maybe the edge to us.
Never go full Rider!


Quote from: Blue In BC on July 20, 2024, 01:08:51 PMDid you see how much time Patterson had to throw?  He completed 68% of his passes. His receivers dropped a couple or it would have been even higher. Patterson broke contain a few times and it cost us.

I'm not going to re-watch this game, but you should. How often did we stop a 2nd and long? Focus specifically on Thomas.

6-6 at the half.  Patterson basically had one good drive in the 3rd, and everything else came later when we were down by 7+, and by the mid-4th the D was out of gas and demoralized from the ref lies.  I'd be demoralized too.  How do you beat that?  You make great plays on 2nd down to get them off the field and the refs just snatch that from in front of your eyes?

Morale is 30% of the game.  They took that away from us (and it wasn't too hot to begin with with our bad record).
Never go full Rider!


Quote from: TBURGESS on July 20, 2024, 03:06:41 PMThe horrible reffing went both ways. We got a bad PI to keep a drive alive & the Ref got in the way of Alford on the missed 61 yarder stopping him from catching it on the fly. We had 2 horrible PI's against us.

The ref was in the exact position the ref is told to be in.  They aren't hockey refs jumping and dodging: they have a set position they must be in on certain plays.

Quote from: TBURGESS on July 20, 2024, 03:06:41 PMCollaros has lost it, but he still thinks he has it. That's causing him to try and make plays that he no long can.

Well, that is waaay better than Collaros losing it and thinking he lost it.  What you believe about yourself in your head is maybe up to 50% of what you'll show on the field.  No one who thinks they suck will be any good.  For those of you who have young kids, see: The Little Engine That Could.  It's one of the daily messages around my house.  No saying "I can't do it!".

Quote from: TBURGESS on July 20, 2024, 03:06:41 PMUs loosing Lawler & Schoen is like BC losing Hatcher & Cottoy. They're 5-1, we're 2-5. We need to look elsewhere to find out why we are sucking this year. IMO: On D it's Biggie & Alexander. On O it's Collaros & the OL.

No, us loosing Lawler is like BC losing Hollins, us losing Schoen is like BC losing McInnis.  And if BC didn't have those 2, they'd suck as bad as we do.
Never go full Rider!


Quote from: Jesse on July 20, 2024, 03:34:49 PMFor the record, Patterson told media that Bighill made a football play and he had every right to hit him.

And MOS said post-game extremely clearly (rare for MOS) that the Biggie hit was 100% legit and ok.  Normally he does the "we'll watch the film", "I don't know", "player X has honor" schtick.  Not this time: this time he went straight for the "clean play" message.  That's all I need to know.
Never go full Rider!


Quote from: Blue In BC on July 20, 2024, 03:38:33 PMHad the right and needing to in that situation are not the same thing. The game was over.

Yes, for 2.5s.  Patterson could have just taken the knee.  He can see the clock.  He knows exactly how long he needs to dance.  His internal timer knew he was done.

I ask again: would anyone say boo about Biggie's hit if it was mid-3rd Q??  No?  Then it's a clean hit.

If you want to complain, complain to BC for ruining V-formation for everyone in the CFL going forward.  BC was the first team to switch from "we're going V to end it" to "we're gonna steal some last second points after tricking you with V".
Never go full Rider!


Quote from: theaardvark on July 20, 2024, 03:52:03 PMRefs were bad, but we should have been better.  Did the ref's calling super tight make our DBs back off? I think Holm has shown over the years, and Ford this year, that they are well capable of making big plays.  But I think the concern over getting called for phantom PI may have affected how close they played to the Rec and the ball.

This is a great point!  Thanks for that.  Not only do they get horribly demoralized having to fight lying refs, but they then have to play "abnormally" and be extra-soft and careful.  That's going to affect your performance, and (along with fatigue) could help explain how they really started falling off later in the 4th.

Quote from: theaardvark on July 20, 2024, 03:52:03 PMWe got outplayed.  our best players were not our best players, especially Zach.  Picks, bad throws, bad scrambles, bad reads.  And that ride and decide where he didn't let go after Brady had it secured was ridiculous.

The Zach ride & decide was a designed RB or QB run.  Zach (probably) got to decide.  It's the same play we gave Strev a ton in the Strev-start game.  There was no pass option there.  Either Brady or Zach had to go up the gut.

We should never run that play again with Zach.  It was dumb to even make it an option.  Buck needs to be honest with Zach's skillset, and being Strev is not part of it.  Buck & MOS need to let Zach know he's entered his "Ricky Ray" phase.  He should never scramble, unless it's the 4th Q of the GC.  He doesn't have to.  Ray won a GC being a pure pocket passer... so can Zach.  Be who you are.
Never go full Rider!


Quote from: Jesse on July 20, 2024, 05:43:16 PMI was responding to someone saying Patterson was whining and needed to grow up.

I'm sure most of you heard when Patterson whine on-camera right after the hit, something about Biggie "not needing to do that" and "it hurt".  Ya, that's kind of whining.  I don't remember a QB doing that on-air right after a hit before!
Never go full Rider!


Quote from: dd on July 20, 2024, 05:49:11 PMBighill hasn't seen the last of this. You don't think every O lineman isn't going to be gunning for him?? How about Oulette?? Did you check out him yelling at Bighill. This is far from over. The old man is going to get his just due, bank on it

I'd love to see those guys get angry and gun for Biggie!!  Bring it on.  Biggie welcomes it.  Oullette wants to butt heads with Biggie?  I'll take Biggie to win that hit -- he's used to it.  And if Biggie loses, well, then many people here (not me!) gets their wish of changing MLBs, eh?
Never go full Rider!


Quote from: dd on July 20, 2024, 10:05:32 PMNo , thinking about it now and reviewing the play, I agree with you guys and see why the hit happened. He definitely should have thrown the ball away. By keeping it and going down he opened himself up to the hit. I d like to chalk it up to a rookies mistake

When I give the frame-by-frame breakdown and timing in a thread, make sure you read it if I'm disagreeing with you.  Not because I know better or anything, but because I can often find "proof" (like the exact timing, etc) with my high-tech setup, and I always lay all the facts out that people can't see on normal Bell/Shaw PVR setups (especially the extra-lame "cloud" ones with horrible lag & controls).

I also watch all the games (many here don't, not sure about you) and can correlate occurrences with those in other games, such as BC setting bad precedent last week.  These things can change the dynamic in subsequent games.

I also commend you for reversing, and also for the good convo and making us justify our positions.  I wonder if Riderfans-forum will have a similar mea culpa?
Never go full Rider!


Quote from: TecnoGenius on July 22, 2024, 05:21:39 AMNo, us loosing Lawler is like BC losing Hollins, us losing Schoen is like BC losing McInnis.  And if BC didn't have those 2, they'd suck as bad as we do.
2023 - Receiving
Player         Team   Gms   Rec   Yds   Avg   YPG   Lg   TD   Tar   YAC
Keon HatcherBC16781,22615.7276.6576121357
Dalton SchoenWPG16711,22217.2176.471t10111316

Kenny LawlerWPG125090118.0275.164682247
Jevon CottoyBC185780714.1644.870t468417

Winnipeg Blue Bombers - 2019 Grey Cup Champs.