Official Game Day Thread - Ottawa at Winnipeg, July 5, 2024

Started by ModAdmin, July 04, 2024, 05:45:31 AM

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Anybody watching at home hear why we got 15 yards, and they only got 10 on those roughing penalties.
Don't go through life looking in the rearview mirror.

Throw Long Bannatyne

Quote from: Pigskin on July 06, 2024, 04:08:15 AMAnybody watching at home hear why we got 15 yards, and they only got 10 on those roughing penalties.

They never showed the replay, even though TSN had at least 30 seconds to do so.

As for Lucky he may be in Wpg. but he hasn't been signed yet.


Quote from: Blue In BC on July 06, 2024, 03:41:25 AMI can't seem to get into the stats to take a look at the moment. I was curious how many running plays Bo had and how many Streveler had.

Being the short yardage QB he was taking a lot of extra hits because we were in short yardage often. They couldn't stop him but he paid the price and is going to need time in the ice tub.

Clercius is going to be a good player in the future if not by the end of the season. That said we still might see Alston or Case next week? No sign of Whitehead yet so he's a couple of weeks away from being ready if he shows up early next week.

I didn't think O. Wilson or Johnson played that badly but we didn't throw to either often. We played an extremely safe passing game.


FYI could not get in stats all game. Bomber wifi and cell coverage was poor tonight.
Football is easy if you're crazy as hell
Bo Jackson

We are inclined to think that if we watch a football game or a baseball game, we have taken part in it
John Fitzgerald Kennedy

BC Sucks


Quote from: dd on July 06, 2024, 03:19:01 AMHeroic efforts by Brady and strev!!
Yes, Sergio, Willie and cover team played well.

Football is easy if you're crazy as hell
Bo Jackson

We are inclined to think that if we watch a football game or a baseball game, we have taken part in it
John Fitzgerald Kennedy

BC Sucks


Quote from: ichabod_crane on July 05, 2024, 06:12:34 AMThe slump ends tomorrow or my name is not ICHABOD CRANE!! :) The Headless horseman from Sleep Hollow is coming for the RedBlacks!! :D

Need I say more?! Get on the Ichabod Crane horse "band" wagon through Sleepy Hollow!!! :D ;)

Big Daddy

One thing I noticed all game.  Many times when Strev handed off to Brady he then ran and threw blocks as much as he could to keep him going.

Kinda reminds me of Favre as a Viking.

Big Daddy

One more thing - I listened to the post game on the way home, and I think it was Brady talking about Strev bringing so much energy that he hasn't seen from other qb's.

Watching from right behind the Bomber bench - Strev was completely jacked on the sidelines.  He was pacing like a lion in a cage.  After he got that rushing td he was yelling things that would make a sailor blush for sure. 

He definitely brings energy and cranks everyone else up.


Strev is very emotional and a really, really tough football player. His passing game won't scare anyone, but he will literally run through a wall for this team. Watching him block tonight for Brady jacked me up! Now there's a guy who wants to win football games. If I ve got to go to war, I want strev riding shotgun for me!! Love #17!!!


Quote from: TecnoGenius on July 05, 2024, 11:21:56 AMYa, and OTT may be the league's 2nd worst team based on what I see from them on-field (standings notwithstanding)... so what does that say about us?  Being "fairly close" to OTT means we are either worst in the league or 2nd worst.  Yay.
We are middle of the pack


1Q6:23 I think something is wrong with Brady.  It could be why he wasn't terribly effective weeks 1-4... I don't mean he took a new injury, I mean something is fundamentally wrong with one of his legs/ankles/feet.

1Q6:23 the dump pass to Brady behind the LoS: it's high and Brady tries to jump up for it on the move, and he actually can't.  It's like the rear part of his left leg (muscle & achilles) is messed up and he can't extend that foot like you would to effect a jump.

And since his body didn't do what he thought it would/should, he fell down in a goofy way and looked rather sad.

He also had that earlier run from the gun where he tripped on Strev's foot... a RB should be able to recover from tapping the QB's foot lightly.  They are supposed to be all about balance.

And what could that injury/weakeness be?

So I'm wondering, is something going majorly wrong with him that he's covering for or we aren't being told about?  Or...

It's extra strange because he's power running and juking like a man possessed in many of his other runs.  No signs of injury or limitation there.  Yet, here we are with this strange jump thing... unless it really was just a goofy mistake...  But if you go and watch it, you try to explain it away!
Never go full Rider!


2Q11:10 Strev is not over the LoS and that is not an illegal forward pass.  Yet Strev was flagged.  See pic below.  LoS is exactly on that 45YL (the blue line is a bit off, as usual).  (The earlier one in 1Q was also not over BTW, so refs got that non-call correct.)

Since changing the rule to require only *any* part of any body appendage to be behind the LoS the league has been extremely lenient on these calls.  They've let guys be *actually* 2 feet too far get away with it, many times.  I understand it's hard for the ref on the rail to gauge these things in realtime: hence why they give such leeway.

So I have no idea why they are calling this against Strev.  It's against league precedent, and in this case, blatantly wrong.  Command should step in and uncall these.  They are somewhat rare, and it's a very easy/fast call to check.

MOS could have easily won this challenge, but has learned in previous weeks you have to hold that nylon to keep the refs honest.  And in this game the refs were sure gunning for us with all that nonsense on Woli and even Big Stan.

Suits is so stupid... "2 yard over".  Dolt doesn't know the rule is based on the trailing bit of the most-trailing body part.  Strev did the little "hop" pass thing they all do to get that rear leg/foot as far back as possible.  It's that rear foot that counts here, and it's on the LoS.
Never go full Rider!


Quote from: Jesse on July 06, 2024, 01:49:09 AMIt was clearly a penalty, but real time, Kramdi dove in the same instant Dru went for the slide. Would have been really hard for him to avoid.

Live @PAS I thought Dru's slide was waaaay too late.  I measured on the computer and from the first real indication of a slide to the Kramdi hit was well under a second.  The two guys were almost at the same yardline marker laterally when Kramdi came in.

Remember just a couple of years ago when Zach was sliding late and teams (CGY? SSK?) were taking big shots just like this right on Zach's head?  Same thing, arms to the head.  Ya, no penalties on those.  Remember @IGF?  Crowd was reaaaaallly mad.

So you could say maybe the timing was ok.  What about the arm-to-head?  Ya, well, as we all know when a QB is running, especially over the LoS, they are just another RB.  And RBs take arms to the head all the time and no one cares.  There's no special protection (or at least by rule!) for a running QB.

I think what got the refs undies in a wad was the helmet coming off and the after-effects.  When you do the ol' Cody-writhe you are more likely to draw a flag.  Should the result factor into it?  I don't think it should, and rules don't say it should, but refs clearly are affected by the player writhing vs bouncing back up.

Just moments before, on the Strev rushing TD, after the whistle went and the TD signal arms were up in the air, a couple of Redblacks drove Strev back across the GL and slammed his head to the turf.  No one noticed or care and no flags were thrown.  No one cares to protect Strev because he's a "running QB".  Proof is later on in the game when command had to throw the UR flag because the refs have a different standard for a mostly-pocket QB than a mostly-running QB.

In sum, I don't like the result of the Kramdi hit, but the standard is so subjective and inconsistent year to year and game to game.  They always told our QBs they were sliding too late, but let Dru slide late.  Make it consistent.  Make it fair.
Never go full Rider!


Quote from: dd on July 06, 2024, 01:59:03 AMYou could clearly see he purposely stuck his forearm out to make contact with browns head. Should have been a 25 yd RP and kicked out of the game. Total bush league cheap shot

I just checked the spearing rules (2024 edition) and by definition the forearm is not a spear.  And spearing is the most likely thing on people's mind here because he's diving for Dru.

That's why refs called "RTP" and not spearing.  It's actually funny, because he's not a passer here, he's a runner.  Past the LoS I don't think RTP should ever be called.  You can call UR if it fits, but not RTP.

So I don't know by what exact rule they are dinging Kramdi for here.  Maybe there's something in there about arms to the head on a running ball carrier?  Funny, that would be news to Brady...
Never go full Rider!


2Q0:36 The lateral: drew the angle lines with the computer and that looks like a precise lateral.  Live I thought it was clearly a rearward pass by maybe a foot, but the computer says it was perfectly sideways!  And certainly enough so to make it impossible to overturn.

I'm not sure I've ever see one go precisely sideways before.  Luckily for us, that's the basic definition of "lateral"!
Never go full Rider!


Quote from: TecnoGenius on July 06, 2024, 09:53:54 AMSuits is so stupid... "2 yard over".  Dolt doesn't know the rule is based on the trailing bit of the most-trailing body part.  Strev did the little "hop" pass thing they all do to get that rear leg/foot as far back as possible.  It's that rear foot that counts here, and it's on the LoS.

100% agree. Same as out of bounds, if there is one foot in you are good.
Buried in the essentially random digits of pi, you can find your eight-digit birthdate. (Is that a wink from God or just a lot of digits?) - David G. Myers
Everything seems stupid when it fails.  - Fyodor Dostoevsky