Other Games -- Weekend starting Jun 20

Started by TecnoGenius, June 20, 2024, 11:45:02 PM

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Road Griller

Quote from: Blueforlife on June 21, 2024, 02:09:28 AMReturners are always hard to find and develop.  One of hardest jobs in football. Your posts have one thing in common, stating half baked opinions like they are facts.

Well, I am not saying the hotdog guy.  Pretty sure the top US college returners that were among the last NFL cuts have some decent experience.

Can't find what you are not looking for, no team has struggled in the return game as much as us without Grant.  '23 and now '24.

That is a fact, our return game is not good enough.


Quote from: Road Griller on June 21, 2024, 02:15:34 AMWell, I am not saying the hotdog guy.  Pretty sure the top US college returners that were among the last NFL cuts have some decent experience.

Can't find what you are not looking for, no team has struggled in the return game as much as us without Grant.  '23 and now '24.

That is a fact, our return game is not good enough.

2 games have been played.  Patience grasshopper.

Hotdog guy? Not sure what that means but pretty sure a shot at our talent of so Have some respect.

Road Griller

Quote from: Blueforlife on June 21, 2024, 02:17:05 AM2 games have been played.  Patience grasshopper.

And how many last season without Grant.  6?  So that makes 9.  Burning a half season worth of games is not acceptable.  Especially when you had an idea Grant may not be back or want a big raise.

That was a perfect open audition to find the next one.  Just another example of sitting on your hands can cost you W's down the road.

Only 3 games this season?  What if we miss the playoffs by 1 game?  We are not good enough to blow off any game or any slight advantage to win a game.

Not anymore.



Quote from: Road Griller on June 21, 2024, 02:22:59 AMAnd how many last season without Grant.  6?  So that makes 9.  Burning a half season worth of games is not acceptable.  Especially when you had an idea Grant may not be back or want a big raise.

That was a perfect open audition to find the next one.  Just another example of sitting on your hands can const you W's down the road.

Only 3 games this season?  What if we miss the playoffs by 1 game?  We are not good enough to blow off any game or any slight advantage to win a game.

Not anymore.
2 games end of.  Grant came back none issue.  Your argument holds no weight.  We made the GC.

Do us all a favor.  It's 2024.  Put your time machine away.

Patience grasshopper.

We didn't have money for a returner, we didn't sit on hands, we handed out cash to other areas.  Those players will win games.  We can hope to find a returner. 

Road Griller

Quote from: Blueforlife on June 21, 2024, 02:24:30 AM2 games end of.  Grant came back none issue.  Your argument holds no weight.

Do us all a favor.  It's 2024.  Put your time machine away.

Patience grasshopper.

One season runs into the next.  That's how it works. Your short sightedness is the exact attitude that leads to this kind of issue.  Seven  P's to a T.

Wally would have had a returner and not missed a beat. 


Quote from: Road Griller on June 21, 2024, 02:29:51 AMOne season runs into the next.  That's how it works. Your short sightedness is the exact attitude that leads to this kind of issue.  Three P's to a T.

Wally would have had a returner and not missed a beat. 
Each season is new.  CFL has a lot of turnover.  MOS approaches each game as 1 and 0.  Your arguments usually have no weight or facts.  Patience grasshopper.  You should run the club I guess lol.

You are short sighted as you panicked immediately this year.

I was patient with this club pre dynasty.  I took a lot of flack for my support of Hall, MOS, management and our defense.  Patience paid off then and should again.


Rempel rule caught out MTL.  Trucking the LS not allowed.

Finally in 2nd half OTT starts spying Cody.  He doesn't look nearly as good when he can't scramble at will.  Of course they'll probably adjust.
Never go full Rider!


I am happy for fajardo, a guy cut and left for dead by the criders of all teams has come back with avengence. Same for Maas, let go, couldn't coach. Looks like he's figured it out in la belle province. Good for both of them, Montreal has went from a team on life support to the leagues best. Having Darnell Sankey running the show in the middle of the field was key to turn8ng that team around. Yep, good thing we didn't pick him up. Ha!!!

Road Griller

Quote from: Blueforlife on June 21, 2024, 02:32:31 AMEach season is new.  CFL has a lot of turnover.  MOS approaches each game as 1 and 0.  Your arguments usually have no weight or facts.  Patience grasshopper.  You should run the club I guess lol.

You are short sighted as you panicked immediately this year.

I was patient with this club pre dynasty.  I took a lot of flack for my support of Hall, MOS, management and our defense.  Patience paid off then and should again.

Ok great, let's put this to bed for now.

We can revisit Saturday when the numbers are in.  If what you say is true I am looking for a huge game.

We will see the return numbers and most importantly the score then.

Looking for big numbers on both from the Blue.

Road Griller

Quote from: dd on June 21, 2024, 02:43:51 AMI am happy for fajardo, a guy cut and left for dead by the criders of all teams has come back with avengence. Same for Maas, let go, couldn't coach. Looks like he's figured it out in la belle province. Good for both of them, Montreal has went from a team on life support to the leagues best. Having Darnell Sankey running the show in the middle of the field was key to turn8ng that team around. Yep, good thing we didn't pick him up. Ha!!!

A guy who people said 'can't throw' but buys enough time to get out and make the plays.

Some are saying the same about Streveler today.  I can see him succeeding the same way when he gets the chance.

Hopefully we don't lose him like we did Brown.


Maas' second challenge on DPI: Ferguson is full of it... the ball doesn't have to be "in the air" for there to be a penalty, and even if that was true, it would just be called IC instead of DPI.  Ya, it would be 10 instead of spot-of-foul, but still a penalty.

You can't impede the pass target beyond the 5Y buffer regardless of what the ball is doing at the moment.  If it gets caught, it's IC or DPI.  Even overthrows can be IC on earlier contact, like this type of jam near LoS.
Never go full Rider!

The Zipp

Montreal is the real deal. Haven't lost since last September. 


Quote from: Road Griller on June 21, 2024, 02:49:54 AMOk great, let's put this to bed for now.

We can revisit Saturday when the numbers are in.  If what you say is true I am looking for a huge game.

We will see the return numbers and most importantly the score then.

Looking for big numbers on both from the Blue.

One game means nothing to me.  I will revist mid season.  Labour day is when it all matters.  You can focus on each game and over react. I'll focus by the month and look for trends and be patient. 

What I was saying has nothing to do with the score or a huge game.  My point is we develop a returner and if that doesn't work out by mid season we change gears. If we lose you will be sounding every alarm bell. I will have the same attitude I have had for years.  Give it time.  Hoping for a big game but the season isn't riding on it (yet).  Bigger fish to fry than return imo.


Yup, they're as solid a football team as there is in this league. They ll be tops in the east this year and defend their crown well

At $371k, he's a steal and he's worth every penny. 47 points is only something we can dream about and we re paying our $600k. Wow, just wow.!