Blue Bombers agree to terms with safety Brandon Alexander

Started by ModAdmin, February 08, 2024, 03:32:03 AM

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I was getting worried that we weren't going to sign BA, totally worth every penny whatever we paid him. Our defense changed the minute he was moved to safety and hasn't looked back.


Key player and a difficult person to replace at his level imo

Would have prefered a two year deal


Go Bombers!


This signing made my entire week! I love Brandon so much!
You are what happened when I wished upon a star  :-*


Quote from: LXTSN on February 08, 2024, 12:42:56 PMI don't think he was charging a big amount. I think it would be pretty easy to replace him if we had to.

Have you seen some our FSs from the last decade??  I think we've had 2 good ones: Loffler and Alexander.

Quote from: Throw Long Bannatyne on February 08, 2024, 03:25:55 PMNonsense, 7 year vet. making $101k should not be asked to take a paycut just so players making twice his salary can make even more. If that's the way CFL economics has to work, they are broken.

You could argue that is true.  But I'm ok with the free market working itself out.  However, you could argue that having a cap at all makes it essentially a non-free market.  If there was no cap, would the Alexanders of the league earn more?  Probably?

The other posters here are correct: it seems like the stars get top coin and everyone else gets the scraps barely above ELC.  It is a good incentive to try to be the best, though!  Perform and you'll get the big coin too.

Perhaps we need another league-enforced pay tier: vet minimum wage.  ELC rookies would earn the least, as they do now; but 4+ season vets would be ensured maybe $25k more (with ones who are "better" but not "great" able to earn more).  SMS would go up to accommodate.
Never go full Rider!


Quote from: Throw Long Bannatyne on February 08, 2024, 03:25:55 PMNonsense, 7 year vet. making $101k should not be asked to take a paycut just so players making twice his salary can make even more. If that's the way CFL economics has to work, they are broken.

For every player, every position, every team has a budget.  That budget is dynamic.  If one goes up, another has to go down. 

The toughest part f being a GM is deciding which player to keep and which to cut/move on from.

Money, unfortunately, is one of the biggest factors in that. 

Our team may have adequate resources to absorb losing a player at a position, and another team may have a need that allows them to overspend what our budget is.  That's an easy decision.

Our team may not have a replacement, and have to outbid another team for a players services, and that changes the budget for every other player/position.

Alexander isn't Oliviera or Schoen, but he is important.  Getting him inked to a deal, whatever the cost, was great.  If that meant a bump, or a cut, BA27 had to decide if the contract offer was A: appropriate and B: competitive.  Like many players, there is a "home town" discount usually factored in, accepting a slightly lower offer for the familiarity of the situation, already having accommodations, knowing the local set up. etc.  And knowing his spot on the team, with his brothers, his coaches. 

I still say there needs to be both an RFA option (matching contract "offer sheets" made during the tampering period on expiring ELC deals), and a small non-SMS$ budget for resigning players with 4 or more years service to a team to a multi year deal.  Say 10% up to $300k per team.  So, you can offer BA37 $100k in hard money and a non-SMS$ bonus of $10K for loyalty. 

It wouldn't have kept Yoshi here, I think our top offer to him would have been in the $170k range ($187k with the loyalty bonus) which wouldn't have been enough.  But for the players like Alexander, its a way of rewarding them staying with the team.  Budgets of all teams for this kind of player are going to be similar, that 10% plus staying in familiar surroundings would go a long way.
Unabashed positron.  Blue koolaid in my fridge.  I wear my blue sunglasses at night.  Homer, d'oh.


Quote from: TecnoGenius on February 09, 2024, 03:41:48 AMHave you seen some our FSs from the last decade??  I think we've had 2 good ones: Loffler and Alexander.

You could argue that is true.  But I'm ok with the free market working itself out.  However, you could argue that having a cap at all makes it essentially a non-free market.  If there was no cap, would the Alexanders of the league earn more?  Probably?

The other posters here are correct: it seems like the stars get top coin and everyone else gets the scraps barely above ELC.  It is a good incentive to try to be the best, though!  Perform and you'll get the big coin too.

Perhaps we need another league-enforced pay tier: vet minimum wage.  ELC rookies would earn the least, as they do now; but 4+ season vets would be ensured maybe $25k more (with ones who are "better" but not "great" able to earn more).  SMS would go up to accommodate.
You're right, I might be under-valuing Alexander... We've actually had some nice luck with safeties and maybe that's why it was in my mind that it's easy to replace.

Maybe after this year, Jake Kelly or one of the Halletts will step up. That should be a matter of time right?
I think Hallett has filled in nicely for Alexander when he's been hurt, but I think Kelly has more potential to actually start at that spot long-term.


Quote from: LXTSN on February 09, 2024, 04:08:37 PMYou're right, I might be under-valuing Alexander... We've actually had some nice luck with safeties and maybe that's why it was in my mind that it's easy to replace.

Maybe after this year, Jake Kelly or one of the Halletts will step up. That should be a matter of time right?
I think Hallett has filled in nicely for Alexander when he's been hurt, but I think Kelly has more potential to actually start at that spot long-term.

There always needs to be a succession plan.. with FS often being a spot to play a NAT, haveing some NAT options is great, but BA37 being able to be inserted because our ratio was otherwise allocated (Thanks Brady/Andrew/Nic) really did make a difference.  But that's not to say you can't have a great NAT FS like Loeffler was here.

We have 10 (TEN) draft picks this year... our next FS might be among them
Unabashed positron.  Blue koolaid in my fridge.  I wear my blue sunglasses at night.  Homer, d'oh.

Throw Long Bannatyne

Quote from: dd on February 08, 2024, 11:13:34 PMI was getting worried that we weren't going to sign BA, totally worth every penny whatever we paid him. Our defense changed the minute he was moved to safety and hasn't looked back.

Glad they re-signed BA, hopefully his play improves with a return to better health. I think he has a bright future in coaching DB's when he's done, he could step right into the role Younger vacated once Richie Hall retires.


Quote from: LXTSN on February 09, 2024, 04:08:37 PMMaybe after this year, Jake Kelly or one of the Halletts will step up. That should be a matter of time right?
I think Hallett has filled in nicely for Alexander when he's been hurt, but I think Kelly has more potential to actually start at that spot long-term.

It's such a weird thing: finding DBs seems relatively easy; finding a good IMP FS/DB seems hard.  Maybe because there's no 12th guy in USA ball?  I can't explain it, maybe someone else can try.

Maybe that's why so many teams "hide their NAT" at FS: because there are no "natural FSs" coming up from the states, and so the drop off to using "just a NAT" isn't that high?  Just thinking out loud... but it would explain a lot.

Look at Alexander: we brought him in as a DB, and somehow eventually he got some FS snaps, and we were like "wow, dude would be a great FS".  The rest is history.  But I doubt we signed him originally saying "that's our FS!".

I don't think we've signed a DB since who we could say the same thing about.  That is why re-signing BA at this time is a good move.

The way WFC uses their FS includes a lot a run-stop support.  That means a player who is stout and can bring the wood.  Loffler, Alexander... even Hecht.  (Hecht had the wood, but would often miss his target, lol.)  But I don't think this is written in stone.  Other teams don't use FS like this.  Look at Dequoy: he's so lightweight and scrawny you think he'll blow away.  So they use him as a roving ball-hawk, not as a run-stopper: more like an extra DB.  And he's excelled at the role.

As for Kelly/Hallett: I think that's the eventual plan.  I think Hallett will get the nod if/when BA is gone.  He certainly got the in-game BA injury snaps to date.  It seemed there was a drop off, though; but he is improving all the time.  You have to be a bit crazy to play WPG FS (think Loffler), and I think Hallett fits that bill.  You also have to be willing to bring the wood, and Hallett can do that too.  He's arguably more athletic than BA: bonus.

Kelly and his speed is more like Dequoy, and thus wouldn't fit in as a FS the way we currently employ them.  We could change to the roving ballhawk model, sure.  But there's no hint yet that we want to.
Never go full Rider!


Making this more the general DB thread...

Lawrence isn't on the FA list, so I'm assuming he's still signed into 2024?  He could be important now that we lost Houston, and Holm has a big NFL question mark.

This would be DL22's 4th season.  Is it a case of him needing more time to develop, or is he a perennial backup at best?

Is his natural position HB?

If no one stands out amongst the scouting finds, at least we have a solid option in Lawrence.
Never go full Rider!


Houston: what if part of why we let him walk, besides the big price tag, is that he may be more of a me-first ballhawk than a team-first plan-follower?  I have no basis for this other than his crazy INT/FR stats for '23.  It's often the DBs who leave their assignments or cheat up on hunches who get the big stats.

Contrast with Holm, who didn't get the big INT/FR stats, but was always in his man's hip pocket.  Same with Nichols.

I mean, if this was Nichols with a big $ ask, would we have found a way to budget him in?  Maybe?

I'm rewatching the '23 season and will keep an eye out on what Houston was up to.  Regardless of whether there's any substance to my theory, I'm sad to see him go.  Sometimes you need a ballhawk to get you that big momo shift.  Kind of like a TJ Heath.  Then again, the "plan" guys will have way less busted coverages.
Never go full Rider!


Quote from: TecnoGenius on February 10, 2024, 06:38:12 AMMaking this more the general DB thread...

Lawrence isn't on the FA list, so I'm assuming he's still signed into 2024?  He could be important now that we lost Houston, and Holm has a big NFL question mark.

This would be DL22's 4th season.  Is it a case of him needing more time to develop, or is he a perennial backup at best?

Is his natural position HB?

If no one stands out amongst the scouting finds, at least we have a solid option in Lawrence.

Lawerence is not on the roster. He's not a pending free agent, he's just gone. Anyone can sign him.

For Houston, I think the price is 99% of it. DBs are generally not the highest paid across the league, and even less so here. Just like we see our DT's walk in FA every year, we also bring in a new crop of DBs every year.

We have 15+ DBs on the roster already. Holm, Nichols, Parker are pretty locked in. I'd expect Tyrique McGhee to see lots of snaps in TC and we're going to see some new guys getting playing time.
My wife is amazing!

Throw Long Bannatyne

Quote from: Jesse on February 10, 2024, 02:15:39 PMLawerence is not on the roster. He's not a pending free agent, he's just gone. Anyone can sign him.

For Houston, I think the price is 99% of it. DBs are generally not the highest paid across the league, and even less so here. Just like we see our DT's walk in FA every year, we also bring in a new crop of DBs every year.

We have 15+ DBs on the roster already. Holm, Nichols, Parker are pretty locked in. I'd expect Tyrique McGhee to see lots of snaps in TC and we're going to see some new guys getting playing time.

I haven't heard that Holm signed with any NFL teams and I believe the NFL window closed on Feb. 3rd, so he should be back for his 3rd season on his original ELC unless he renegotiates a bump in pay.


Quote from: Throw Long Bannatyne on February 10, 2024, 08:44:38 PMI haven't heard that Holm signed with any NFL teams and I believe the NFL window closed on Feb. 3rd, so he should be back for his 3rd season on his original ELC unless he renegotiates a bump in pay.

I'd hope they rip up his current deal and make a proper one, 2 or 3 years long...
Unabashed positron.  Blue koolaid in my fridge.  I wear my blue sunglasses at night.  Homer, d'oh.