(Unofficial) Kenny Lawler signs with the Winnipeg Blue Bombers

Started by Blue In BC, February 07, 2023, 02:26:05 PM

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If all reports are correct, it looks like he a took a $35-$40K pay cut this season. The reported $300K for next season is going to hurt with woli82, BO20 and DS83 coming up as FAs.
Don't go through life looking in the rearview mirror.

Throw Long Bannatyne

Quote from: blue_or_die on February 08, 2023, 03:02:43 PM
Love Lawler but I guess I just don?t get the money. He had one good season. It earned him an obscene amount and didn?t work out due to major injury. Not sure how that entitles one to 300K. Gotta think there?s going to be a major economics readjustment with the apparent new TV deal resulting in what I would assume to be a big cap increase?

Don?t get me wrong- I have no doubt Lawler will shine with Zac throwing him the ball but I?m just a bit baffled by the bargaining power in this deal. I guess the market rate was clear that Lawler is in the 250+ club based on the eye test.

Very excited about our receiving corps now after these signings. We didn?t have anyone last week lol.

Kind of disappointed Walters contributes to the overspending on a single players phenomena, but he's done it before with Bighill and Jefferson, driving CFL player costs up by making them the highest paid players at their position for the time.  Driving individual player costs up while letting deserving players walk because there's not enough money in the budget to retain them, is like stealing from Peter to pay Paul.


Walters didn't drive up the market, that was done by Edmonton with Lawler Ly and initially by BC with Whitehead. When you see what's Lewis gets, what Dunbar and possibly Wienike recieved along with Hamilton's white asking for 240k it becomes clear if you want a #1 reciever you will pay.


Quote from: Pete on February 08, 2023, 03:31:49 PM
Walters didn't drive up the market, that was done by Edmonton with Lawler Ly and initially by BC with Whitehead. When you see what's Lewis gets, what Dunbar and possibly Wienike recieved along with Hamilton's white asking for 240k it becomes clear if you want a #1 reciever you will pay.

Have to think Lewis to riders. Making him the highest paid WR...

the paw

Quote from: Throw Long Bannatyne on February 08, 2023, 03:24:44 PM
Kind of disappointed Walters contributes to the overspending on a single players phenomena, but he's done it before with Bighill and Jefferson, driving CFL player costs up by making them the highest paid players at their position for the time.  Driving individual player costs up while letting deserving players walk because there's not enough money in the budget to retain them, is like stealing from Peter to pay Paul.

I agree with Pete.

I think the term "overpay" has really lost all meaning. People usually use it as a sign of disapproval when the number isn't what they would like to pay, without considering the market conditions.  Top players at their position get top $.  And, it should be noted, Lawler left money on the table to come back to Winnipeg, so we are getting a culture and loyalty discount here.

But you do have a legitimate point about the sacrifices required by Walters approach.  But it has yielded results, starting with Chris Randle and Stanley Bryant early in his tenure and continuing through.  I think his results justify the approach though.  At the end of the day, I want Lawler more than I want to hang on to Bailey.  I really wanted us to hang on to Casey Sayles, but it just isn't in the budget.  the number of players that we are letting walk is actually a very small number compared to other teams.  It would be hard for Walters to pitch a shut out....
grab grass 'n growl


Quote from: Pigskin on February 08, 2023, 03:14:13 PM
If all reports are correct, it looks like he a took a $35-$40K pay cut this season. The reported $300K for next season is going to hurt with woli82, BO20 and DS83 coming up as FAs.

None of the 2024 $300k is guaranteed... so if he has a below par season, its not binding in any way...

And if he earns his $265k this year, we will happily pay the $300k next year...
Unabashed positron.  Blue koolaid in my fridge.  I wear my blue sunglasses at night.  Homer, d'oh.

Throw Long Bannatyne

Quote from: theaardvark on February 08, 2023, 04:40:29 PM
None of the 2024 $300k is guaranteed... so if he has a below par season, its not binding in any way...

And if he earns his $265k this year, we will happily pay the $300k next year...

We'll see what happens if Schoen comes back, can't afford to pay them both their asking price next year.


Quote from: Throw Long Bannatyne on February 08, 2023, 05:05:37 PM
We'll see what happens if Schoen comes back, can't afford to pay them both their asking price next year.

All indications as of now are he's coming back; he hasn't been offered anything in the NFL. It's not a matter of if.

There's also no point in worrying about next year regarding any player. Too many moving parts, IMO.
лава Україні!


Quote from: blue_gold_84 on February 08, 2023, 05:15:24 PM
All indications as of now are he's coming back; he hasn't been offered anything in the NFL. It's not a matter of if.

There's also no point in worrying about next year regarding any player. Too many moving parts, IMO.

I could be wrong but I think Bannatyne was referring to 2024, when we would have to look at Lawler making 300k and having to find an enormous amount of cash to keep Schoen as he heads to FA.

It?s true that the CFL is a ?one year at a time? league though so I agree it?s not worth worrying about. If we win a third cup, the last thing we will be thinking about this November is that.


Quote from: Throw Long Bannatyne on February 08, 2023, 03:24:44 PM
Kind of disappointed Walters contributes to the overspending on a single players phenomena, but he's done it before with Bighill and Jefferson, driving CFL player costs up by making them the highest paid players at their position for the time.  Driving individual player costs up while letting deserving players walk because there's not enough money in the budget to retain them, is like stealing from Peter to pay Paul.
Disagree all
Quote from: Pete on February 08, 2023, 03:31:49 PM
Walters didn't drive up the market, that was done by Edmonton with Lawler Ly and initially by BC with Whitehead. When you see what's Lewis gets, what Dunbar and possibly Wienike recieved along with Hamilton's white asking for 240k it becomes clear if you want a #1 reciever you will pay.
Agree all
Quote from: the paw on February 08, 2023, 03:49:59 PM
I agree with Pete.

I think the term "overpay" has really lost all meaning. People usually use it as a sign of disapproval when the number isn't what they would like to pay, without considering the market conditions.  Top players at their position get top $.  And, it should be noted, Lawler left money on the table to come back to Winnipeg, so we are getting a culture and loyalty discount here.

But you do have a legitimate point about the sacrifices required by Walters approach.  But it has yielded results, starting with Chris Randle and Stanley Bryant early in his tenure and continuing through.  I think his results justify the approach though.  At the end of the day, I want Lawler more than I want to hang on to Bailey.  I really wanted us to hang on to Casey Sayles, but it just isn't in the budget.  the number of players that we are letting walk is actually a very small number compared to other teams.  It would be hard for Walters to pitch a shut out....
Good points

Lincoln Locomotive

Quote from: theaardvark on February 08, 2023, 04:40:29 PM
None of the 2024 $300k is guaranteed... so if he has a below par season, its not binding in any way...

And if he earns his $265k this year, we will happily pay the $300k next year...
Good point.....we got him at market value.   He could have easily have gone to another team for more $$ but he chose to come back to the team culture he knows....and to a QB he has chemistry with.   I just hope he stays healthy when the chips are down Ie the playoffs and beyond.....
Bomber fan for life


Quote from: Throw Long Bannatyne on February 08, 2023, 03:24:44 PM
Kind of disappointed Walters contributes to the overspending on a single players phenomena, but he's done it before with Bighill and Jefferson, driving CFL player costs up by making them the highest paid players at their position for the time.  Driving individual player costs up while letting deserving players walk because there's not enough money in the budget to retain them, is like stealing from Peter to pay Paul.

Stealing from Peter to pay Paul generally has worse outcomes than 3 straight Grey Cup appearances with an extra Western Final one the year before that. CFL is a league where even if you bottom out, you can turn it around fast. You have to strike while the iron is hot.


Quote from: Lincoln Locomotive on February 09, 2023, 03:17:36 AM
Good point.....we got him at market value.   He could have easily have gone to another team for more $$ but he chose to come back to the team culture he knows....and to a QB he has chemistry with.   I just hope he stays healthy when the chips are down Ie the playoffs and beyond.....


Quote from: blue_or_die on February 08, 2023, 03:02:43 PM
Gotta think there?s going to be a major economics readjustment with the apparent new TV deal resulting in what I would assume to be a big cap increase?

If that's the rumor, it makes a lot of things make a lot more sense.  Every team is vastly overspending what sanity should dictate, even the normally modestly-subdued KW.  Either it's cap-be-damned or GMs know relief is coming...
Never go full Rider!


Quote from: Mikerahl on February 09, 2023, 03:36:08 AM
Stealing from Peter to pay Paul generally has worse outcomes than 3 straight Grey Cup appearances with an extra Western Final one the year before that. CFL is a league where even if you bottom out, you can turn it around fast. You have to strike while the iron is hot.

I wasn't of that mind in 2020/2021, but I'm totally of that mind now!  The iron is hot and the core squad is league-best.  Half the great guys are going to age out very soon.  The next iteration is always a crap shoot.

So get those GCs now.  Without totally screwing over the future, of course (like some teams do)...

I think we all have a 4th straight GC appearance as our minimum definition of "success" for 2023.
Never go full Rider!