Is there a better show on TV...

Started by The Zipp, December 01, 2015, 04:16:52 AM

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#35.... The Godfather of Swag


Billions is a pretty good, Walking Dead has been crap for the last two seasons. The comic book geek in me likes the Flash and Supergirl. I am ultra disappointed in Lucifer, how they could do this to Gaiman's triumph of a comic book series is just mind blowing. I was very disappointed when Kurt Sutter tied the can to The ******* Executioner but can understand why it never got traction. I miss Person of Interest, and am hoping for a season two of Wayward Pines.
Some people take this forum way too seriously.


TWD has been awesome since returning this year... Last night's episode was great. Especially when compared to "prime time" hot garbage like The Flash and Supergirl. The sudden onslaught of superhero TV shows has been mostly disappointing, IMO.

House of Cards season 4 just came out Netflix and the first few episodes have been great. Vikings has been good but I've missed the last two episodes and need to catch up on it.

For anyone who hasn't seen it, I'd recommend Legends. Excellent show.
лава Україні!
We are now in The Find Out Phase, eh.


I watched Fargo over the past 2 weeks. Thanks to whoever recommended it to me! I pass on the recommendation!

The Zipp

Quote from: gobombersgo on February 22, 2016, 09:43:04 PM
On your recommendation I watched the 1st two episodes last night, I enjoyed the show and will watch the series through. (Jake has to be more careful with the way he handles his documents). For the uninitiated, the star of the show is James Franco and the book was written by Stephen King.

I've become hooked on series that have 8-10 episodes a year (11.22.63 has 9) - House of Cards, Narcos, Better Call Saul, Mr. Robot, Fargo, True Detective, X-Files etc.

11.22.63 is shown on Hulu in the States so I'm not sure if a network or streaming service has picked up the show in Canada. People can find it on Kodi however.

Edit: I see that 11.22.63 is on Super Channel in Winnipeg.

I am one behind on 11.22.63 but found the last episode to be a bit "dragging"  maybe it will pick up.  I am also two behind on Walking Dead, I would agree that it has been a bit stale the last few seasons but I am still hooked enough to keep watching to see what happens - actually looking forward to the restart of the spin-off "Fear the walking dead".

Finished "House of Cards" last night.  Pretty good - not the same intensity of the first two seasons IMO but there was certainly some great moments (episode 10 with the letter opener was a highlight)..Claire was a focus of this season.

"....we don't submit to terror. We make the terror."   Sets up a good season 5 in a year.


Quote from: blue_gold_84 on March 14, 2016, 02:25:12 PM
TWD has been awesome since returning this year... Last night's episode was great. Especially when compared to "prime time" hot garbage like The Flash and Supergirl. The sudden onslaught of superhero TV shows has been mostly disappointing, IMO.

House of Cards season 4 just came out Netflix and the first few episodes have been great. Vikings has been good but I've missed the last two episodes and need to catch up on it.

For anyone who hasn't seen it, I'd recommend Legends. Excellent show.

Flash and Supergirl are what they are...comic book series. That does not make them hot garbage. Hot garbage is what the writers are doing to an excellent comic book series The Walking Dead right now. Just awful. At least Flash and Supergirl are staying true to their comic book origins.
Some people take this forum way too seriously.

The Zipp

Quote from: GCn15 on March 15, 2016, 12:31:19 PM
Flash and Supergirl are what they are...comic book series. That does not make them hot garbage. Hot garbage is what the writers are doing to an excellent comic book series The Walking Dead right now. Just awful. At least Flash and Supergirl are staying true to their comic book origins.

we got us a nerd fight...  (and I mean that in the kindest and non-demeaning way)


The Fresh Prince Of Belair, MB

Is season 2 of Fargo available anywhere yet?


Quote from: GCn15 on March 15, 2016, 12:31:19 PM
Flash and Supergirl are what they are...comic book series. That does not make them hot garbage. Hot garbage is what the writers are doing to an excellent comic book series The Walking Dead right now. Just awful. At least Flash and Supergirl are staying true to their comic book origins.

That's a silly argument. Why does a series have to stay original to another medium in order to be good? That makes no sense at all.

And I mean those two series are hot garbage because they're made for prime time TV: friendly for the masses but lame for those who want more substance. Same goes for Arrow and Gotham, IMO.

Don't take offense because we don't see eye to eye on TV shows. ::)
лава Україні!
We are now in The Find Out Phase, eh.


Quote from: blue_gold_84 on March 15, 2016, 02:10:29 PM
That's a silly argument. Why does a series have to stay original to another medium in order to be good? That makes no sense at all.

And I mean those two series are hot garbage because they're made for prime time TV: friendly for the masses but lame for those who want more substance. Same goes for Arrow and Gotham, IMO.

Don't take offense because we don't see eye to eye on TV shows. ::)

LOL  no its not.

Maybe im taking what your saying wrong but it sounds like if if you dont like it its lame or hot garbage as you say.

I look at it this way... When i was a kid and a teen and into my 20s we actually read comics. We didnt have them on TV. Well we had a Batman. And cartoons.

I have no prob with Supergirl or The Flash.

So you call them hot garbage..... What would you like them to do with them?  Have them out killing people and a huge complicated story line? Maybe that would interest you and some others but its not what they are. 

Want to watch real garbage?  Just tune into anything WWE.  Good grief thats crap. 
#35.... The Godfather of Swag


Quote from: New_Earth_Mud on March 15, 2016, 03:28:33 PM
LOL  no its not.

Maybe im taking what your saying wrong but it sounds like if if you dont like it its lame or hot garbage as you say.

I look at it this way... When i was a kid and a teen and into my 20s we actually read comics. We didnt have them on TV. Well we had a Batman. And cartoons.

I have no prob with Supergirl or The Flash.

So you call them hot garbage..... What would you like them to do with them?  Have them out killing people and a huge complicated story line? Maybe that would interest you and some others but its not what they are. 

Want to watch real garbage?  Just tune into anything WWE.  Good grief thats crap. 

Yeah, it is. A TV series based on another medium like a book or comic doesn't have to stay true to its original medium in order to be good. Consider the popularity and viewership numbers of The Walking Dead, the overall highly positive reception it's received since it launched, and you'll understand why I think that's a silly argument.

And yeah, you are taking what I said the wrong way. I think those prime time superhero series are generally hot garbage and explained why. The same way I've thought the same about certain superhero movies. And I don't have a problem with any of them; I simply don't watch them. It's just my opinion and doesn't affect your opinion or enjoyment of any of it, or any other person's.

You read comics when you were a kid...? That's nice. So did I. I still do. What's your point, though?

Sorry for offending/upsetting you and GCn15 because I don't like the same TV shows as you. Wow. :-\
лава Україні!
We are now in The Find Out Phase, eh.


Quote from: blue_gold_84 on March 15, 2016, 03:59:20 PM
Yeah, it is. A TV series based on another medium like a book or comic doesn't have to stay true to its original medium in order to be good. Consider the popularity and viewership numbers of The Walking Dead, the overall highly positive reception it's received since it launched, and you'll understand why I think that's a silly argument.

And yeah, you are taking what I said the wrong way. I think those prime time superhero series are generally hot garbage and explained why. The same way I've thought the same about certain superhero movies. And I don't have a problem with any of them; I simply don't watch them. It's just my opinion and doesn't affect your opinion or enjoyment of any of it, or any other person's.

You read comics when you were a kid...? That's nice. So did I. I still do. What's your point, though?

Sorry for offending/upsetting you and GCn15 because I don't like the same TV shows as you. Wow. :-\

LMAO   Im not upset in the least.  Funny

What im saying is its not silly for a show to keep to its basic story.

As for the walking dead... some like it some think its complete crap. My buddy watch the first few seasons and now says its as you say hot garbage. Ive tried to watch it but never got interested so i just keep my opinion of it to myself.

Point about the comics is simple..... If they came out n made supergirl flying around ripping peoples heads off and some mean arse b^#$* it would seem super stupid to me because thats not what she is.

Im not arguing with you or saying your opinion is wrong...  it is what it is and makes no diff to me.

GC may like things kept as how they are and not changed. Lots of people do.

You called that silly and it makes no sense. If your going to change supergirl or the flash to something there arnt or never been why bother useing the character then? 
#35.... The Godfather of Swag


Anyway im a big fan of Vikings and its pretty much kept to actual real story's about the Vikings. Most of the characters were real except Ragnar.
#35.... The Godfather of Swag


Quote from: New_Earth_Mud on March 15, 2016, 04:19:51 PM
LMAO   Im not upset in the least.  Funny

What im saying is its not silly for a show to keep to its basic story.

As for the walking dead... some like it some think its complete crap. My buddy watch the first few seasons and now says its as you say hot garbage. Ive tried to watch it but never got interested so i just keep my opinion of it to myself.

Point about the comics is simple..... If they came out n made supergirl flying around ripping peoples heads off and some mean arse b^#$* it would seem super stupid to me because thats not what she is.

Im not arguing with you or saying your opinion is wrong...  it is what it is and makes no diff to me.

GC may like things kept as how they are and not changed. Lots of people do.

You called that silly and it makes no sense. If your going to change supergirl or the flash to something there arnt or never been why bother useing the character then? 

Please read what I actually posted:

Quote from: blue_gold_84 on March 15, 2016, 02:10:29 PM
Why does a series have to stay original to another medium in order to be good? That makes no sense at all.

Quote from: blue_gold_84 on March 15, 2016, 03:59:20 PM
A TV series based on another medium like a book or comic doesn't have to stay true to its original medium in order to be good. Consider the popularity and viewership numbers of The Walking Dead, the overall highly positive reception it's received since it launched, and you'll understand why I think that's a silly argument.

While The Walking Dead doesn't follow the canon or story of the comics, the themes, characters, and overall atmosphere of the TV series are similar. It's still a dystopian/post-apocalyptic drama with zombies, just like the comic books. And it still features a large cast of individuals who struggle with survival and their own humanity. The parallels are there and I think that's why so many are entertained by the show, much as they are the comics. That's why I think it's a silly argument to claim the show isn't good because it's not verbatim to the comic books.

I don't really understand your comment about a Supergirl TV series with her ripping off people's heads and "mean arse" stuff, as that doesn't even come close to the comics. :D
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We are now in The Find Out Phase, eh.