Is there a better show on TV...

Started by The Zipp, December 01, 2015, 04:16:52 AM

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The Zipp

This is awesome..we can all have different opinions on shows...tried Flash didn't like it after about one season...never tried Supergirl....Green Arrow - no thanks...doesn't mean that others can't enjoy. One of my favorite shows of all time is Gilmore Girls - own the entire DVD boxed set.

growing up I loved A-Team, Simon & Simon and Riptide - thought they were the greatest ever when in reality they were likely true "hot garbage"...


Quote from: blue_gold_84 on March 15, 2016, 04:33:52 PM
Please read what I actually posted:

While The Walking Dead doesn't follow the canon or story of the comics, the themes, characters, and overall atmosphere of the TV series are similar. It's still a dystopian/post-apocalyptic drama with zombies, just like the comic books. And it still features a large cast of individuals who struggle with survival and their own humanity. The parallels are there and I think that's why so many are entertained by the show, much as they are the comics. That's why I think it's a silly argument to claim the show isn't good because it's not verbatim to the comic books.

I don't really understand your comment about a Supergirl TV series with her ripping off people's heads and "mean arse" stuff, as that doesn't even come close to the comics. :D

LOL   Im not going to go on n on about this crap.

Ill end with the same question i asked you.... What do you want from Supergirl or The Flash?

I never read anywhere GC calling your argument garbage nor silly and he never said you made no sense as far as i can tell. He simply pointed out the shows are what they are based on their characters. You said they dont HAVE to follow the basic story of who they are. So what would you like? Supergirl to be a mean arse ***** ripping peoples heads off?  LOL

Anyway it is what it is. The shows are pretty well based on the super heros they started out as. Some like it kept that way and some dont i guess.
#35.... The Godfather of Swag


Quote from: The Zipp on March 15, 2016, 04:44:16 PM
This is awesome..we can all have different opinions on shows...tried Flash didn't like it after about one season...never tried Supergirl....Green Arrow - no thanks...doesn't mean that others can't enjoy. One of my favorite shows of all time is Gilmore Girls - own the entire DVD boxed set.

growing up I loved A-Team, Simon & Simon and Riptide - thought they were the greatest ever when in reality they were likely true "hot garbage"...

I agree.

Columbo is awesome      ;)
#35.... The Godfather of Swag


Quote from: The Zipp on March 15, 2016, 04:44:16 PM
This is awesome..we can all have different opinions on shows...tried Flash didn't like it after about one season...never tried Supergirl....Green Arrow - no thanks...doesn't mean that others can't enjoy. One of my favorite shows of all time is Gilmore Girls - own the entire DVD boxed set.

growing up I loved A-Team, Simon & Simon and Riptide - thought they were the greatest ever when in reality they were likely true "hot garbage"...

Precisely. If person A likes a show and person B does not, it's a matter of opinion/preference and nothing more.

And I share your sentiment on those TV series. I don't enjoy any of them in the slightest but if others do, that's their prerogative. :)
лава Україні!
We are now in The Find Out Phase, eh.


Quote from: blue_gold_84 on March 15, 2016, 05:46:14 PM
Precisely. If person A likes a show and person B does not, it's a matter of opinion/preference and nothing more.

And I share your sentiment on those TV series. I don't enjoy any of them in the slightest but if others do, that's their prerogative. :)

I take no offense to you not liking the same shows as me. We watch them for different reasons. I am simply rebutting your comment that they are hot garbage. Maybe to you they are, but that does not make it an accurate statement. To me The Walking Dead is hot garbage right now, however, if you weren't an in depth fan of them in the comic book run you will probably enjoy the TV series, therefore, I would not suggest that everyone consider it hot garbage. I'm a busy guy so I don't have a lot of time to spend on many series that require you not to miss an episode. It's what I like about the Flash, or Supergirl, light breezy entertainment that I don't have to be married too.
Some people take this forum way too seriously.


Quote from: GCn15 on March 16, 2016, 03:34:58 PM
I take no offense to you not liking the same shows as me. We watch them for different reasons. I am simply rebutting your comment that they are hot garbage. Maybe to you they are, but that does not make it an accurate statement. To me The Walking Dead is hot garbage right now, however, if you weren't an in depth fan of them in the comic book run you will probably enjoy the TV series, therefore, I would not suggest that everyone consider it hot garbage. I'm a busy guy so I don't have a lot of time to spend on many series that require you not to miss an episode. It's what I like about the Flash, or Supergirl, light breezy entertainment that I don't have to be married too.

Fair enough. And I'm a fan of the TWD comics just as much as I am of the TV series. They're similar but different. To you, however, it's hot garbage. Much in the same way The Flash and Supergirl, along with Arrow and Gotham, are hot garbage to me.
лава Україні!
We are now in The Find Out Phase, eh.


I don't think TWD needed to follow the comics to be good but it needs better writers


I can't get into the super hero shows. Gotham has its moments but Flash, arrow, super chick plus many of the Netflix ones I can't seem to get into.

True Blue

I understand the show has been renewed.
"Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful." - Samuel Johnson

The Zipp

I watch too much TV. Another good show returns tonight - The Americans, gotta start from the beginning but way better than Homeland IMO.


Game of Thrones followed the books for the first while, then became Divergent.   Once the TV medium took a life of its own, it didn't need the books.  It evolved past them.

Many of the current TV series featuring DC characters are loosely based on the generic version of the comics.  The are alternate universes, different timelines, where these characters have differences.  So, we judge each one based on how well it fits our personal interpretation of the character, and most importantly, the writing, acting and production.  Some will appeal more to some than others due to one or more of these factors.  Some may appreciate a slick, well paced rendition that doesn't follow the character exactly, while others would prefer a less polished version that is true to their accepted version of that character/storyline. 

Gotham is a perfect example.  A non traditional look at the DC timeline, but very nicely produced.  Not being a purist, I enjoy the show.  My wife doesn't, because the characters don't fit her preferred interpretation.  But she doesn't mind Supergirl, who is one of her favourite characters  (although lately, yeesh), in spite of their interpretation of her and the storylines, she just likes that her character has a show.
Unabashed positron.  Blue koolaid in my fridge.  I wear my blue sunglasses at night.  Homer, d'oh.


I'm probably in the minority but I haven't been able to watch The Walking Dead. Just can't get into it. Tried watching a couple episodes and didn't think much of it.  On the other hand,  I couldn't stop watching Fear the Walking Dead.. fabulous! 

Am also looking forward to season 2 of HUMANS on AMC. Was impressed with Season 1. 

No one has mentioned it but I think The Blacklist is one of the best shows on TV.  This being said......... James Spader makes the show what it is.  8)


Quote from: JMT21 on March 18, 2016, 06:35:36 PM
I'm probably in the minority but I haven't been able to watch The Walking Dead. Just can't get into it. Tried watching a couple episodes and didn't think much of it.  On the other hand,  I couldn't stop watching Fear the Walking Dead.. fabulous! 

Am also looking forward to season 2 of HUMANS on AMC. Was impressed with Season 1. 

No one has mentioned it but I think The Blacklist is one of the best shows on TV.  This being said......... James Spader makes the show what it is.  8)

Same. I tried on two occasions to get through the first season and while it was alright I don't understand the hype. I never really understood the zombie thing. I heard it gets better later on but I think I've missed the boat.


Quote from: JMT21 on March 18, 2016, 06:35:36 PM
I'm probably in the minority but I haven't been able to watch The Walking Dead. Just can't get into it. Tried watching a couple episodes and didn't think much of it.  On the other hand,  I couldn't stop watching Fear the Walking Dead.. fabulous! 

Am also looking forward to season 2 of HUMANS on AMC. Was impressed with Season 1. 

No one has mentioned it but I think The Blacklist is one of the best shows on TV.  This being said......... James Spader makes the show what it is.  8)
ill be honest apart from the first episode of the second half of this season has been a bloody soap opera and rather tiresome. So much so my wife's had enough of it but I'll watch the last couple episodes this season. You watch it all, it just seems to go round and round with no real ending in sight.

The writers seem to be running out if ideas and it's getting repetitive.

Season 1 FTWD was good to but the trailer with the zombie on a plane seems stupid. "Don't open the bathroom door!" She opens it and naturally the zombie comes flying out and bites her. Stupid!

The the whole stuck on a Yacht thing could be lame as well.

We liked Humans as well and am looking forward to season 2 for sure.

The Zipp

i liked Humans as well....and Mr. Robot...