OLine solutions...

Started by TecnoGenius, February 09, 2024, 05:37:52 AM

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Quote from: theaardvark on February 17, 2024, 02:52:02 PMWhich of Oliviera or Schoen do you give up to sign Hardrick?  Just curious...
Once we signed schoen id seriously would have considered releasing or trading Lawler. 285k would go a long way to signing a de or tackle.
We've spent more money on each of the offensive groups. Qb. Receivers and running back than any other team in the league.
On the positive it should make for exciting games


Quote from: theaardvark on February 17, 2024, 02:52:02 PMWhich of Oliviera or Schoen do you give up to sign Hardrick?  Just curious...

I thought about that.  While Hardrick probably would have taken 40-50 less to stay here, in the end he got about 100 more.  That's crazy.  The best part of all this is we made SSK massively overpay for an IMP OL who has maybe 2 seasons left.  This'll hurt them elsewhere.

If I had to pick, I would have let Schoen walk.  That's who I was preparing mentally for losing.  We're all kind of shocked we retained him.

We have amazing receivers, even without Schoen.  We let Schoen walk and we still have Lawler, Demski, Bailey (who we'd be able to afford), Woli.  Add in the best ELC IMP we can find and we would have been fine.  Most teams have 1-2 placeholder receivers (whether IMP or NAT).  We could have lived with 1 (or gotten lucky in scouting).

The problem is you can't have placeholder OL.  One weak hoggie and they'll just stack and stunt that side and you do nothing but lose games and get QBs injured.

It may still work out, we may still get lucky at RT.  But the odds are against us.  I hope Schoen can run a lot of hot routes and take the crosser hits, because that's what we're going to need to do to get any passing yards with a weak RT.

On the bright side, Strevie can come in a lot if the heat is on and run it down their throats every which way.
Never go full Rider!


Streavie  is not super human. Yes he can run the ball aggressively, but I recall him hobbling at the end and playing through a lot of pain. His running style comes at a cost, and that cost is injury. I hope he plays an injury free season but doubt that that happens

Throw Long Bannatyne

Quote from: dd on February 18, 2024, 11:29:04 PMStreaked is not super human. Yes he can run the ball aggressively, but I recall him hobbling at the end and playing through a lot of pain. His running style comes at a cost, and that cost is injury. I hope he plays an injury free season but doubt that that happens

Yah he's not Mr. Invincible, he played the WSF against Calgary on an ankle so bad he could barely hobble back to the huddle. I did not support O'Shea's decision to ignore the obvious and keep him in the game that day.


Ya playing through injury is a tricky thing. Most players will opt for pain killers and freezing vs being taken out of the game, and I understand that, been there, done that. Nobody holds a gun to a players head and forces him to stay in the game. Teams will have protocols to assess the injury and the player and make the decision whether he plays or not. The bombers did the same thing with bighill and schoen in last years grey cup


Apparently, Schoen and Bailey are still not 100%.
Don't go through life looking in the rearview mirror.


while this thread is concerned about oline solutions, a bigger problem is our dline, weve gone from the best in the league a few years ago to the potentially the second worst (next to elks)


A lot of players after injuries, never come back to pre-injury status. Bailey was a glue guy, but as a higher paid Import, he needed to get seperation.  Great team guy and real football player.  Maybe they bring him back when they cut Lawler?


Quote from: DM83 on February 21, 2024, 07:51:10 AMA lot of players after injuries, never come back to pre-injury status. Bailey was a glue guy, but as a higher paid Import, he needed to get seperation.  Great team guy and real football player.  Maybe they bring him back when they cut Lawler?

The way receiver contracts are going, we probably sign Lawler and Schoen next year for less than they're making now.
My wife is amazing!

Throw Long Bannatyne

Quote from: Jesse on February 21, 2024, 11:18:44 AMThe way receiver contracts are going, we probably sign Lawler and Schoen next year for less than they're making now.

Maybe Lawler, but Schoen signed at $230k which is a very fair price.  Unfortunately they will both be FA's next season, so unless signed early Walters can't control their asking price.


Quote from: Throw Long Bannatyne on February 21, 2024, 03:52:04 PMMaybe Lawler, but Schoen signed at $230k which is a very fair price.  Unfortunately they will both be FA's next season, so unless signed early Walters can't control their asking price.

I mean the sum of their two salaries could be less in 2025 than it is in 2024.
My wife is amazing!

Throw Long Bannatyne

Quote from: Jesse on February 21, 2024, 04:02:29 PMI mean the sum of their two salaries could be less in 2025 than it is in 2024.

If they make it to FA there's no guarantee that will be true, key is to lock up one on a multi-year deal before FA begins and decide whether they can afford to keep the other or not. Walters is spending too much money on the offence, at some point he needs to correct the imbalance.


Quote from: dd on February 18, 2024, 11:29:04 PMStreavie  is not super human. Yes he can run the ball aggressively, but I recall him hobbling at the end and playing through a lot of pain. His running style comes at a cost, and that cost is injury. I hope he plays an injury free season but doubt that that happens

Do you remember how he was hurt? Just asking because it wasn't because of his playing style.
Some people take this forum way too seriously.


Quote from: Throw Long Bannatyne on February 21, 2024, 05:24:09 PMIf they make it to FA there's no guarantee that will be true, key is to lock up one on a multi-year deal before FA begins and decide whether they can afford to keep the other or not. Walters is spending too much money on the offence, at some point he needs to correct the imbalance.

Our WR situation might change next year.  This year, we did not have a recruit step up like Schoen did when he came.  One reason might be, there was no playing time, our WR corps was stacked.  Which might be why Sheed is not signed...

If we have the next Schoen show up this year, then we can move on from one of Lawler or Schoen.  And ride an ELC for a year again.
Unabashed positron.  Blue koolaid in my fridge.  I wear my blue sunglasses at night.  Homer, d'oh.

Throw Long Bannatyne

Quote from: theaardvark on February 21, 2024, 05:39:40 PMOur WR situation might change next year.  This year, we did not have a recruit step up like Schoen did when he came.  One reason might be, there was no playing time, our WR corps was stacked.  Which might be why Sheed is not signed...

If we have the next Schoen show up this year, then we can move on from one of Lawler or Schoen.  And ride an ELC for a year again.

Recruit Ontaria Wilson looks very good, but expecting the next Schoen to show up is pretty unrealistic. Even Lawler took 2-3 years to begin to excel.  The Bombers have not offered a lot of job opportunities for new recruits in the last 4 years, this year looks different.