Blue Bombers add defensive end to roster & Jeffcoat retiring

Started by ModAdmin, February 09, 2024, 03:14:31 PM

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Do we take a run at Betts, Robertson, Oakman, Christmas(DT). All seem to be unsigned.
Don't go through life looking in the rearview mirror.


Its been quite a long time since we haven't had the bookends here in Winnipeg.  We have had some guys come in when they've been sidelined, and Nats/GLB rotating in, but the Jeffs have been our DE's since before our GC runs.

Replacing them is going to be hard, but with our spend on O, its going to be impossible to bring in a top FA in that spot.  This is where teh scouts that constantly find us DT's need to find us a couple DE's going forward...
Unabashed positron.  Blue koolaid in my fridge.  I wear my blue sunglasses at night.  Homer, d'oh.


Quote from: Throw Long Bannatyne on February 09, 2024, 08:15:06 PMDetails in the following Friesen article, like Harris there was a breakdown in communication.

I was just going to note this.  This seems to be a pattern with how we handle players we want gone.  And I'm not sure I like it.

With AH33, at least we know there was some beefs stewing on The Mafia side.  Can we say the same about JJ?  I wasn't aware of any beefs.  So what if this is just how KW handles the unwanted?

To be fair, there is probably a good tactical reason why KW would turn off the comms.  It may help in negotiation with other re-signings, other potential incoming-FAs, and even with the snubbed player themselves should we realize we need them.

However, it does sound sucky from a human perspective, and I think it's easy to feel for JJ and his described emotions.  Did he deserve better?  How hard is it to call up these "unwanteds" before the tamper period and say "we just can't fit you into the budget this year, you best explore other options"?  Then again, I'm not a GM.

I wonder how other teams handle this...
Never go full Rider!


Quote from: blue_gold_84 on February 09, 2024, 08:24:50 PMYou're going to be missed, Jackson. Thanks for everything and all the best in your retirement.

Yes, this is simply a function of him being tub-bound for much of the last 2 seasons.  And we all were guessing he'd be even more tub-bound in 2024.  Clearly other teams thought so too, since he said all other offers were lower.  We were wondering that, and there's our answer.

It's too bad that his body was falling apart on him.  A bit strange, since DE isn't the worst of body-crushing positions, but, like Loffler, sometimes it's luck of the draw.  Makes you appreciate (or at least understand and tolerate) Willie's in-whistle body-saving techniques more.

I am very thankful to Jeffcoat, have always been a huge fan, think he was key to our cups, and think know we'll be worse without him (at least for a short while).  He got a bum deal from God and (maybe) from The Mafia.  I hope he achieves success at his next endeavor.

As to WFC: our DL never did much when JJ was out... let's hope we work this season on solving that problem.  We've been spoiled for a long time with 2 CFL-top DEs.
Never go full Rider!

Throw Long Bannatyne

Quote from: TecnoGenius on February 09, 2024, 09:26:09 PMI was just going to note this.  This seems to be a pattern with how we handle players we want gone.  And I'm not sure I like it.

With AH33, at least we know there was some beefs stewing on The Mafia side.  Can we say the same about JJ?  I wasn't aware of any beefs.  So what if this is just how KW handles the unwanted?

To be fair, there is probably a good tactical reason why KW would turn off the comms.  It may help in negotiation with other re-signings, other potential incoming-FAs, and even with the snubbed player themselves should we realize we need them.

However, it does sound sucky from a human perspective, and I think it's easy to feel for JJ and his described emotions.  Did he deserve better?  How hard is it to call up these "unwanteds" before the tamper period and say "we just can't fit you into the budget this year, you best explore other options"?  Then again, I'm not a GM.

I wonder how other teams handle this...

Agree, I was worried about the non-action that was happening before the Schoen and Brady deals, Jeffcoat is probably not the only one feeling there should have been better communication.  Not sure it's Walters job to communicate with players directly other than through agents, I think this falls on the shoulders of the Senior Director of Player Relations Darren Cameron to keep players in the loop regardless of their status.


Speaking of What If's.....Jesse Lumsden was another player (Canuck running back) who could have been a real star in the CFL, but his body just could not take the tougher contact outside of university football. His shoulders were like glass and a good shot they always popped out! :(  He later got involved with the Canadian bobsleigh team , was a good pusher/runner and participated in two Olympics.


Thank you JJ for your contribution to the Bombers. Good Luck in your future career. Every player and every one working in any job reaches a cross road and must make the decision on when to retire, as for athletes they get to the point they know in their hearts it is time. Good Luck JJ.

Blue In BC

Not entirely a surprise and sad to see him go. Thanks for the years of great play. Age, injuries and SMS eventually catch up with every players.

Maybe a chance to move into coaching if that's something he'd like to do.
2019 Grey Cup Champions


A true warrior. Blessed future JJ shoe in for future blue bomber HOFer.


I loved it when the Jeff's were on the field, dominating OT's.  They were a dynamic duo.  But I'm not sold on the slant of this Freisen interview, I can't put this only on the Bombers, Jackson has to take some of the "blame.


"the imparting or exchanging of information or news."

Communication is a two way street.  It sounds like Jackson's exit interview included the possibility of him retiring.  With his health issues, I do not blame Walters for not actively pursuing him, especially if he did not reach out, post exit interview, expressing an interest in playing.  Remember Darian Durant? That's scary.

The fact that he decided, during the tampering period, to explore his options, and no one made him an offer he was happy with, that says it all.  Its not that the Bombers never reached out, they did, just before the tampering window.  And he decided to "explore his options".  It doesn't say if a number was offered by the Bombers... but we all know it wasn't the $175k he took home last year for 14 games played (up from his usual 12 games).  Which, as a proud man, he would take a pay cut as disrespect.

I get that reaching out on his part would sacrifice some bargaining position, but Walters is not a douche, and would have probably negotiated with him in good faith had he come to the table earlier.  The fact that the Bombers reached out close to the tampering period shows they were interested and didn't just ignore him.  So, "communication" isn't really something you can blame the Bombers for.

Its too bad he thinks the Bombers disrespected him, after 6 years of work together, 3 or 4 of which he got top pay, even though he only played part of the seasons. 

I really think, though, if he stays in shape and takes time to heal, he could end up as a late season pick up, even for us...

Unabashed positron.  Blue koolaid in my fridge.  I wear my blue sunglasses at night.  Homer, d'oh.


I have nothing but great things to say about Jackson Jeffcoat. He was nothing but a beast for us. His performance in the 2019 Grey Cup was legendary.

Parting ways is never easy, but he's an all timer in my books.
My wife is amazing!


There also was a fair bit of fan criticism of JJ94's performance and missed games last year and Jackson's wife was not impressed by those comments.  Not sure if that also played into his decision to retire.  It's the "what have you done lately" syndrome - a bit unfair because Jackson put his heart and soul into playing for the Bombers over the years.
"You can't let praise or criticism get to you. It's a weakness to get caught up in either one." - John Wooden


Quote from: theaardvark on February 09, 2024, 10:53:23 PMI really think, though, if he stays in shape and takes time to heal, he could end up as a late season pick up, even for us...

I was just thinking that.  If he stays in shape (big if), and our pass rush is stuck at level 0 (non-existent) come vet cutdown day, WFC can come crawling back with hat in hand to JJ.  We could afford to pay him 1/4 season at 2x what he's expecting, he gets his payday and saves face and everyone is happy.

About 0 chance that happens (the 2nd part, not the first part)... but hey, we can dream.

Ideally we'll find a way to have a JJ-level pass rush DL without JJ; but I'm not too hopeful at this point.  We've all seen how Willie needs effective help from the other DL (whether DE or DT) to be the most effective.
Never go full Rider!


And let's give him credit: he was a big time player who made big time plays in big time games(tm).  His 3 GC's were monster.  I don't recall if he had any big plays in the last one, though..?.. could be part of why we let him walk.  Always solving those post-season puzzle pieces is our Mr. Walters...

But never diminish what he did for us when healthy in '19-'22.

(Wow, check out his stats... '23 wasn't a drop-off at all... it was basically a near-record year for him.  And only 4 games missed?  Maybe cutting him was purely a money move -- darn SMS.)

(Double wow, he was here since '17, never played for another team... a Bomber-for-lifer... maybe he did deserve more respect.  We gonna do the same to Biggie and Willie one day??  Yikes... not great for future player morale and retention.  Need to show the hardcore lifers some love!)
Never go full Rider!